09-07-2007, 12:32 AM
This will make it so certain player and npc sprites are constantly animated.
My game has the attack frame as a standing still frame, and the frames on either side as stepping frames.
Adjust according to your source
Here's the function where you set what sprites are constantly animated.
Edit it according to your sprite sheet.
You could also save them to a file.
In my source, I set a quick if statement to sort out the actual blting, but you can do other wise.
Is what I had before the animation is set for the normal walking, then after that is decided I added this:
Add the required data to the playerrec as a long and byte respectively.
For NPCS just change:
and the IsConstAnim call to:
My game has the attack frame as a standing still frame, and the frames on either side as stepping frames.
Adjust according to your source
Here's the function where you set what sprites are constantly animated.
Edit it according to your sprite sheet.
You could also save them to a file.
Public Function IsConstAnim(ByVal sprite As Long) As Boolean
Select Case sprite
Case 1
IsConstAnim = True
Exit Function
IsConstAnim = False
End Function
In my source, I set a quick if statement to sort out the actual blting, but you can do other wise.
If IsConstAnim(GetPlayerSprite(Index)) = False Then
Is what I had before the animation is set for the normal walking, then after that is decided I added this:
With Player(Index)
If GetTickCount > .animtimer + 100 Then
Select Case .anim
Case 0
.animtype = 1
.anim = 1
Case 1
If .animtype = 0 Then
.anim = 0
ElseIf .animtype = 1 Then
.anim = 2
End If
Case 2
.animtype = 0
.anim = 1
End Select
.animtimer = GetTickCount
End If
anim = .anim
End With
End If
Add the required data to the playerrec as a long and byte respectively.
For NPCS just change:
With Player(Index)
With MapNpc(MapNpcNum)
and the IsConstAnim call to:
If IsConstAnim(Npc(MapNpc(MapNpcNum).Num).sprite) = False Then
Why aren't maps and shit loaded up in a dynamic array?
the 4 people that know how are lazy
Who are those 4 people?
you, me, and 2 others?