28-07-2008, 12:20 AM
So I've not gotten into blting stuff too much. I managed to make a pretty good paperdoll system from scratch and so far it's gone okay, except this one thing... lol
When you are on the first tile of the map, as in Y=0, helmet's don't seem to work out :roll:. I'm not even sure it can be fixed but here's some screenshot's to demonstrate:
Good Helmet:
Bad helmet:
And here's the code for blt'ing the helmets/tops of players:
I'm also having some trouble with the names. I have finally created a way that names are always drawn in the exact center of the sprites, so everything looks nice and neat. However, for some reason, there is always one name (maybe the first one to blt) that is off center, and I can't figure out why. It happens with both player's, and npc's.
I use two seperate subs to blt the names for players and npc's but that seems to be irrelevant here. If I warp to a map with no npcs my players name is off center. If I add one npc, it's name is off center and the player name becomes centered. If another player enters the map, it's the same thing. The other players name will show off centered, but my player's name will be centered. It's kind odd.... here's a screenshot of that phenomena as well, and the code:
Any thoughts or ideas would help!
When you are on the first tile of the map, as in Y=0, helmet's don't seem to work out :roll:. I'm not even sure it can be fixed but here's some screenshot's to demonstrate:
Good Helmet:
![[Image: goodry4.png]](http://img528.imageshack.us/img528/1889/goodry4.png)
Bad helmet:
![[Image: wtfrn2.png]](http://img99.imageshack.us/img99/3513/wtfrn2.png)
And here's the code for blt'ing the helmets/tops of players:
Public Sub BltPlayerTop(ByVal index As Long)
'* ---- --- ----
'* 07/12/2005 Shannara Optimized function.
Dim Anim As Byte
Dim X As Long, Y As Long
' Only used if ever want to switch to blt rather then bltfast
With rec_pos
.top = GetPlayerY(index) * PIC_Y + Player(index).YOffset
.Bottom = .top + PIC_Y
.Left = GetPlayerX(index) * PIC_X + Player(index).XOffset
.Right = .Left + PIC_X
End With
' Check for animation
Anim = 0
If Player(index).Attacking = 0 Then
Select Case GetPlayerDir(index)
If (Player(index).YOffset < PIC_Y / 2) Then Anim = 1
If (Player(index).YOffset < PIC_Y / 2 * -1) Then Anim = 1
If (Player(index).XOffset < PIC_Y / 2) Then Anim = 1
If (Player(index).XOffset < PIC_Y / 2 * -1) Then Anim = 1
End Select
If Player(index).AttackTimer + 500 > GetTickCount Then
Anim = 2
End If
End If
' Check to see if we want to stop making him attack
With Player(index)
If .AttackTimer + 1000 < GetTickCount Then
.Attacking = 0
.AttackTimer = 0
End If
End With
With rec
.top = GetPlayerSprite(index) * PIC_Y
.Bottom = .top + PIC_Y
.Left = (GetPlayerDir(index) * 3 + Anim) * PIC_X
.Right = .Left + PIC_X
End With
X = GetPlayerX(index) * PIC_X + Player(index).XOffset
Y = GetPlayerY(index) * PIC_Y + Player(index).YOffset - 4
' Check if its out of bounds because of the offset
Y = Y - 32
If Y < 0 And Y > -32 Then
With rec
.top = .top - Y
Y = 0
End With
End If
End Sub
Public Sub BltHelmet(ByVal index As Long)
Dim Anim As Byte
Dim X As Long, Y As Long
Dim F As Long
Dim BltF As Long
If GetPlayerHelmetSlot(index) GetTickCount Then
Anim = 2
End If
End If
' Check to see if we want to stop making him attack
With Player(index)
If .AttackTimer + 1000 < GetTickCount Then
.Attacking = 0
.AttackTimer = 0
End If
End With
With rec
.top = BltF * PIC_Y
.Bottom = .top + PIC_Y * 2
.Left = (GetPlayerDir(index) * 3 + Anim) * PIC_X
.Right = .Left + PIC_X
End With
X = GetPlayerX(index) * PIC_X + Player(index).XOffset
Y = (GetPlayerY(index) * PIC_Y) - PIC_Y + Player(index).YOffset - 4
' Check if its out of bounds because of the offset
' If Y < 0 Then
' Y = 0
' With rec
' .top = .top + (Y * -1)
' End With
' End If
If Y < 0 And Y > -32 Then
With rec
.top = .top - Y
Y = 0
End With
End If
End Sub
I'm also having some trouble with the names. I have finally created a way that names are always drawn in the exact center of the sprites, so everything looks nice and neat. However, for some reason, there is always one name (maybe the first one to blt) that is off center, and I can't figure out why. It happens with both player's, and npc's.
I use two seperate subs to blt the names for players and npc's but that seems to be irrelevant here. If I warp to a map with no npcs my players name is off center. If I add one npc, it's name is off center and the player name becomes centered. If another player enters the map, it's the same thing. The other players name will show off centered, but my player's name will be centered. It's kind odd.... here's a screenshot of that phenomena as well, and the code:
![[Image: namesmu1.png]](http://img169.imageshack.us/img169/4746/namesmu1.png)
Sub BltPlayerName(ByVal index As Long)
Dim TextX As Long, a As Long, b As Long, C As Long, d As Long
Dim TextY As Long
Dim Color As Long, Color2 As Long
' Check access level
If GetPlayerPK(index) = NO Then
Select Case GetPlayerAccess(index)
Case 0
Color = QBColor(White)
Case 1
Color = QBColor(Pink)
Case 2
Color = QBColor(BrightCyan)
Case 3
Color = QBColor(Yellow)
Case 4
Color = QBColor(BrightGreen)
End Select
Color = QBColor(BrightRed)
End If
TextX = (GetPlayerX(index) * PIC_X + Player(index).XOffset) - ((getSize(TexthDC, Trim(GetPlayerName(index))).width - 32) / 2)
TextY = GetPlayerY(index) * PIC_Y + Player(index).YOffset - Int(PIC_Y / 2) - 20
Call DrawText(TexthDC, TextX, TextY, GetPlayerName(index), Color)
End Sub
Sub BltNpcName(ByVal index As Long)
Dim TextX As Long, TextY As Long, Color As Long, NpcNum As Long
NpcNum = MapNpc(index).Num
If NpcNum = 0 Then Exit Sub
Color = QBColor(Yellow)
If Npc(MapNpc(index).Num).Level > GetPlayerLevel(MyIndex) + 10 Then
Color = QBColor(BrightRed)
ElseIf Npc(MapNpc(index).Num).Level < GetPlayerLevel(MyIndex) - 10 Then
Color = QBColor(BrightGreen)
End If
' Draw name
TextX = ((MapNpc(index).X * PIC_X) + MapNpc(index).XOffset) - ((getSize(TexthDC, Trim(Npc(NpcNum).Name)).width - 32) / 2)
If Npc(MapNpc(index).Num).Size = SIZE_BIG Then
TextY = MapNpc(index).Y * PIC_Y + MapNpc(index).YOffset - Int(PIC_Y / 2) - 16
TextY = MapNpc(index).Y * PIC_Y + MapNpc(index).YOffset - Int(PIC_Y / 2) - 4
End If
If Npc(MapNpc(index).Num).Behavior = NPC_BEHAVIOR_QUEST _
Or Npc(MapNpc(index).Num).Behavior = NPC_BEHAVIOR_SHOPKEEPER _
Or Npc(MapNpc(index).Num).Behavior = NPC_BEHAVIOR_BANKER _
Or Npc(MapNpc(index).Num).Behavior = NPC_BEHAVIOR_GAMBLER Then
Call DrawText(TexthDC, TextX, TextY, Trim(Npc(NpcNum).Name), QBColor(BrightCyan))
Call DrawText(TexthDC, TextX, TextY, Trim(Npc(NpcNum).Name), Color)
End If
End Sub
Any thoughts or ideas would help!