Got something you'd really like to see in the engine, or maybe you have an idea for a skill or spell type I could add.
If it sparks a little inspiration in me, I'll give it a try, lol. (Credit given, of course)
Blue indicates a feature I'm hoping to add, Green is for ideas that have been added.
Chat System - (jsventor)
Server Configuration Tool - (jsventor) - Implemented v0.3.1
Main Menu Design Tool - (Me) - Implemented v0.3.2
GUI Design Tool - (Me)
Mini Map - (Reynock)
Proficiency type Skills - (jsventor)
Slotted weapons for +ing - (Renegade)
Multiple Attributes per map tile - (jsventor)
Cerberus source!!!!! lol jkjkjk  chat rooms would be nice, sort of like tibia, when you right click for the menu, you click chat, a chat box appears, there are tabs ontop, one of em would say Chat, the other trade, general, and only people in those rooms could see the text. and of course regular chat where only people on the map can see what you say
A mini map would be cool, like if you have someone in your friends list, you will be able to see them in your map.
how about... instead of skills using weapons etc to level up STR, DEF etc, make it so you can do that and lvl up using that item itself, For example,
I have a sword equipped, The skills name is Blade, when I level up, My blade skill in creases, when you hover over the skill in the pic box the label tells you what level it is, and I do more damage with a blade, and do this with bows, SUBHP magic, ADDHP magice etc...
In other words, a proficiency system.
jsventor Wrote:how about... instead of skills using weapons etc to level up STR, DEF etc, make it so you can do that and lvl up using that item itself, For example,
I have a sword equipped, The skills name is Blade, when I level up, My blade skill in creases, when you hover over the skill in the pic box the label tells you what level it is, and I do more damage with a blade, and do this with bows, SUBHP magic, ADDHP magice etc... Perfekt Wrote:In other words, a proficiency system.
Yep, I see what you mean, I can add this as a type option in the skills editor.
The spells already work like this, select 'stats' type for the spell, select what the spell does (AddHP etc) then add the extra amount of damage/healing etc you want the spell to gain per level in the 'StatMod' box. :wink:
Have a blacksmith so you can + your weapons, its always fun in a game where you have to run around looking for the items you need to + the weapons up.
Also, maybe give random items a random bonus when an NPC drops them?
I reckon I could blag the blacksmith thing with my multi item shops, it's probably an Npc chat dialog away from being plausable though.
Slotted weapons seem to be the best idea to add maximum variation, I read somewhere that ORPG game players are most likely to find out which is the best ingame weapon and aim straight for that. So I figure, make only one weapon available (per class or job maybe) and let the players upgrade them in a way that benefits them personally.
Some nice ideas there, thnxs, keep 'em coming please.
Blacksmithing deffinately sounds cool. I came up with a crazy Idea though... Lets say, you have 32x64 sprites right... INstead of using 6423 Different sprites, how about just using 2? thats right i said 2.. lol In the NPC editor add a new tab, make it a male or a female, Each sprite is either a naked male or female, in the tab you choose thier armor Helmet, weapon Etc.. So this way you can easily loot them, and its more realistic because that is what they are wearing, and friendly NPC's killable with a punishment, like murder, almost like PK'ing someone, and the guards come after you, and of course paperdoll of some sort would have to be added in order for this to work, Paperdoll for the NPC's as well, And by 2 sprites, I meant like human civilians, you could also add other NPC's for monsters, but if they have human traits liuke a troll or an oger or an elf, make them 2 more more sprites but naked so you can edit them as well... Crazy idea I know..
Also i keep getting kicked off the dev client for admin cloning!
Please stay on topic.
Please, please, please read the User Guide that came with the download package, it should deal with all the basics of getting the engine up and running.
Anything missing or hard to understand, lemme know.
how did I go off topic? I suggested a feature
jsventor Wrote:Also i keep getting kicked off the dev client for admin cloning!
That's how you went off topic.