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CerberusV2 Archive - Version 0.4.0 planned additions
Work towards version 0.4.0 of the engine will concentrate on the graphical options of the engine;

UPDATED: 05/08/2007

* Add .PNG support from forum tutorial to reduce graphics load, not completely sure about this after reading forum, looking into zlib compression.
* Blit Dev Client editors graphics from surfaces to reduce graphics load further.
* Make character sprites 32x64 by default - opening the way for paperdoll, may extend animations aswell.
* Make item graphics available in 32x32, ?64x64 and 128x128 options? undecided if really needed.
* Make npc graphics available in 32x64, 64x64 and 128x128 options.
* Add graphical spells effects for static and projectile spells.
* More stuff as I think of it !

None of this is definate, what with the recent change of plans, but this is the bit that needs doing next I think.
Ok well, you may have made the best engine I have ever used Big Grin
some Bugs I noticed:
When I go into the devclient and edit skills items etc... it sais I have lost connection.
whenever i open my inventory I cannot do anything with the item in the second slot because the description label blocks it, make the Description label appear outside of the Inventory.

Besides that, everything is great and it runs very good and I like it. Big Grin
Thanks, Big Grin
The CerberusEngine uses a bumped up version of the MSE admin system, sorry, I forgot to add anything about it in the User Guide.
You'll need to open up the .ini file with the same name as your account in the '/Server/Accounts' folder with a text editor.
All three of your characters info is recorded here, choose which character should be the game owner and change the value of ACCESS = 0 to ACCESS = 6 under the relevant [CHAR#] header, I'll update the User Guide in my next release with details of all the other levels and their admin abilities.
I'll do something about the inventory description too, thanks for the input.
Np, anytime and Ty

Oh and another thing, Ingame all of te ditor are nice, But I cant even edit the name of my game. I know that this engines obviuosly in its beggining stage and is bound to great in the future.
Now I know someone other than me might be interested in making a game with my engine, I'll prep it up for configurability.
Expect a version release, with settings in an .ini file at the very least, sometime over the weekend, providing RL doesn't hold me back!

Update 050807:
I've reworked the subforum to be a little more user friendly, graphics plans have now been put back to version 0.4.0.
The .ini files are implemented, just a small front end app to add to the server and I'll release 0.3.1.
awesome, cant wait.
Very very good work!
This is one of the greatest engine i ever encounteredz! Big Grin

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