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Old Tutorials
I know your able to access them, but would it be any better if each tutorial maker post the old tuts they made themselfs onto these forums? Or is it just better if they stayed over on backup forums?
Are those all of the tutorials over there? It didnt seem like there were that many :\ I thought there were more approved tuts than that.
31 approved tutorials is pretty much. Although I think we should get a team together to finish them all of.
ya, there was like a million old tuts lol, no oneever tookt he time to check them to MSE though :x
The tutorials isnt gone if you now thought that. I could start fixing them for MSE. I just need to get home first, and also allboards needs to be finished so I know what catagory to put them in.
I can access the backup board, as its still private Sad
If someone is kinda enough to either make the boards non private, or port some of the tutorials over.

Btw, im Doombringer, im an oldy before the MSE from the time when playerworlds was still alive, i came back to mirage to see how it was going, but i cant register or view the backup forum, hoping to stick around on the boards for a while, enjoy my company :wink:
Hi, Well Im pretty sure that they will be moved onto this forum in just a matter of days.

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