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CerberusV2 Archive - Screenshots
The state of the engines game client after I'd switched all the initial features.

Game Client 0.1.0 - Link Broken

Version 0.2.0 brings the addition of visual Player Skills and Spells, plus Ring and Amulet slots.

Game Client 0.2.0 - Link Broken

Screenie showing multiple shoptrades from 0.2.0 and projectile weapons from the 0.2.5 Client.

Game Client 0.2.5 - Link Broken

The new quest system has been implemented for version 0.3.0, basic GUI right now, it will change.

Game Client 0.3.0 - Link Broken

Kind of..Ugly looking...But still. Decent Engine this shall be.
This is actually a very good engine, just needs a graphic GUI.
I don't like the way the its setup. It would be better if it was blt'ed in screen so it doesn't get in way.
even if it was blt'd it would still be in the way? And how do you blt form controls?
If it gets in the way, close it. Plain and simple.
It's the old adage I'm afraid, I'm a programmer, not a designer.
I've left the design really basic for now, with the hope of adding a GUI design tool at a later date.

Cluttering up the gamescreen has always been a concern, I've slimmed down the windows as much as possible for version 0.3.0, but there is plenty more I can do;
* There's room at the top of the inventory to add buttons for a short inventory, maybe just the top 9 slots
* The player stats window will be cut down with buttons or SSTabs to select 'HP/MP - Stats - Equipped - etc'
* The player quest log will be reduced to 5 picboxes with rollover descriptions
and so on..... lol.

Plans for version 0.4.0 are all graphics orientated and I'm gonna start learning about DX, so watch this space.
I'd be more trhen happy to help you with a GUI

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