I doubt it highly if anyone here remembers the little newbie programmer that was named Kopaka/Fenrir and ran the game known as Dragon Realm Online.
If so, that'd be cool. If not, well, here's my introduction.
I was a member of the community quite a while ago, but left around the time when people were asking for tutorials on how to set NPC HP and EXP and not have that darned hard-coded variable for them. Really it was a simple task to accomplish, but it was a tad tedious to be honest.
I'm not a great programmer, and I don't expect to ever be. But I intend to do the best I can for the players of my game and the community itself. Some of these people have become like family to me, and I hope that some of you can as well. ^_^
Be nice to him or I will be very annoying from now on.
I REMEMBER A FENRIR!!!! =D hihi!!!
I remember you GSD. ^^ I read over a lot of your tutorials... and actual tutorials, not the typical copy/paste that existed back then... when I first started.
Good stuff.
EDIT: Red, your signature here rocks.
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Threads: 115
Joined: Jun 2006
Fenrir. Name rings a bell.
Why aren't maps and shit loaded up in a dynamic array?
the 4 people that know how are lazy
Who are those 4 people?
you, me, and 2 others?
So it must've been Fenrir here then.  I went through several name changes since my first PW game. First was Kopaka, which ended up starting my whole programming life. Back then though, I was just a mapper for Asrrin(sp?)'s old PW game.
I remember Fenrir
Ive heard the name Fenrir somewhere to.. O_o
Yeah, I know you. ^_^
I quit FFXI btw. =\
Community Leader eh, Sonire? ^^ Congrats, I didn't even know- haha.
I guess I wouldn't know as to how long I've been gone. o.o;
I must've been either really talkative or all of you have decent memories, because that's quite a few more than I expected to remember my name.
Either that, or you've all gone over basic Norse mythology.
And... you quit FFXI, Advocate?  Sad. I was looking forward to partying with you and Red. I guess neither of you are really up for level grinding.
It's not the grinding. That much I didn't mind. I just can't afford the monthly fee at the moment, maybe later on I'll start again, who knows?
Kousaten Wrote:Community Leader eh, Sonire? ^^ Congrats, I didn't even know- haha.
Either that, or you've all gone over basic Norse mythology.
Well, my game's name is "Midgard", afterall.
But to be honest, I could have sworn I was community leader when you were around. If I wasn't, then I give my memory even more credit
Oh yeah. $12.95/month for one character is pretty steep. Well, if you do come back, I welcome your return.
And I think you might as well have been one then, Sonire. You just about had the activity rate to be one, all that was left was the access and rank I think.
Dave Wrote:EVE Online is $20 the first month and $15 a month after that. INSANE!
I might pay for the first month, I'm still undecided. The trial limits you (in my opinion, severely) from doing a lot of the advanced things which really make the game, so on day 8 of the 14 day trial I have grown bored of the things the trial lets you do, and am ready to move on. I've spent the last 4 days training skills, signing on only to start another skill training XD Once you get adept at cruiser combat, it get's a LOT more fun.
Or you can specialize in Tech 2 frigates, whatever floats your boat :3
Become a pirate! It's a lot more fun
Ahhh, Dragonlance Worlds. Where the only truly active people were one moderator (myself, before I was promoted) and occasionally players. XD