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Silverdale : The Forgotten Land
[Image: sitelogo.png]

I re-released a remade version of Silverdale. Enjoy, it'll be up now and then. Currently it wont be up way to much, and be prepared to be bombed with alot of versions xD.

[Image: Screenshot.png]

[Image: Screenshot2.png]

Why not..?

We are here to make games right?
Right. But Silverdale has failed countless times.

Why won't it this time?
What.. Silverdale was going "great" untill it was canceled so i could work on Insomnia, which didnt work out..

It was up for 1-2 Months or so, and even thats amazing.. Since what iwent through is this.

Make game
Belier destroy game
Kick Belier
Belier hack, remove content.
Bradyok "codes" Silverdale
Vacation 2 Weeks
Came back, Bradyok has done nothing
Convince Bradyok to give me Source
Robin Hired
Redo Items
Robin not do anything

Want me to give you a reason why it wont fail? Since im not hiring any fucking coder who allways seem to mess up my projects.
DFA is helping out with the Coding, i think so is Robin.

But hell im not going to depend on the damn coder anymore..
It's unlucky for people when they get me to code their games when I go through one of my 'phases'. I can't open up Vb6 at all.

That happened with Silverdale and LoM, and WW as well xD

Tbh though, I made Silverdale a lot smoother than it was when Belier was coding it. He had no concept of making a game pleasing to the eye.

Besides, the current two best presented games around are Silverdale and Winds Whisper. Say's something about my coding, doesn't it? ;D
Why aren't maps and shit loaded up in a dynamic array?
the 4 people that know how are lazy
Who are those 4 people?
you, me, and 2 others?
Robin is hot.

On a somewhat related note, how can it be a "Forgotten Land" if you keep bringing it back every 2 months? rofl.
Yes I agree, he is.
Also, that is a good point, I can't get this land out of my head.

On a somewhat related note, did you know that herpes can be spread through kisses? Confusedhock:
Are you hitting on me, herpes boy? I'll take your kisses all night long. Telephone me at 9-1-1.

On another almost-related note, ZoSo's sprite looks like the priest you're scared to leave your children with.
Winifred Wrote:Robin is hot.

On a somewhat related note, how can it be a "Forgotten Land" if you keep bringing it back every 2 months? rofl.

Oh, you ignore me on MSN for months on end them call me Hot.

Why aren't maps and shit loaded up in a dynamic array?
the 4 people that know how are lazy
Who are those 4 people?
you, me, and 2 others?
I'll skip over all the spam. XD

Mithlomion Wrote:What.. Silverdale was going "great" untill it was canceled so i could work on Insomnia, which didnt work out..

It was up for 1-2 Months or so, and even thats amazing.. Since what iwent through is this.

Make game
Belier destroy game
Kick Belier
Belier hack, remove content.
Bradyok "codes" Silverdale
Vacation 2 Weeks
Came back, Bradyok has done nothing
Convince Bradyok to give me Source
Robin Hired
Redo Items
Robin not do anything

Want me to give you a reason why it wont fail? Since im not hiring any fucking coder who allways seem to mess up my projects.
DFA is helping out with the Coding, i think so is Robin.

But hell im not going to depend on the damn coder anymore..

It's not so much as you relied on them. Belier was a mistake from the jump off. Same with bradyok. Robin, as he said, goes through his phases. Lol.

DFA is an awesome programmer and he's the one that showed me you brought the game back, saying it was kinda his idea for you to do so.

I really hope it does well. I'm a little tired of seeing announced games, but never any product. I never played Silverdale, I prolly never will. Lol. I love to program and develop these kinda games, but I really hate playing them. Lol.

Good luck.
Winifred Wrote:Robin is hot.

On a somewhat related note, how can it be a "Forgotten Land" if you keep bringing it back every 2 months? rofl.

Silverdale died around this month last year.. And after that there has not been any more "Silverdales"
Quote:Allright, ive started working on Darkwood some bit.. Its going to be the scary path to the next town Big Grin.. Which will feature new Bosses, enemies.. Items and Dungeons. Im also gonna start working on the Classes soon, ill start by doing Mage and Priest.. After that we'll decide together what'll come next.

The game might go down for a few days tonight or in a day or so.. Depends on what i feel like working on. If its mapping, and items the server will stay open.. if its fixing Server/Client or Classes.. it might go down. So yeah...

[Image: darkwood.png]

I also fixed the Forum and Site a bit, so it fits Silverdale a bit more.. The site is still mainly Megalith, since that is the more serious project.. even though i removed some Megalith forums, since some of them really was just taking up space and making it look messy.. Especially stuff like Bug Reports, Classes forum and so on.. They can not really be discussed untill the game is out so there is no point of having them there.

Anyway i hope you all will start posting, since there is a bit to talk about now.. Wink.
Quote:Silverdale V.1.2 has been released. Please go to the Downloads page and download it. The game still suffers from some problems, but it's all good.. There is alot more content this time, this new release featuers a new area called Darkwood, and a town called Lyyris. The town is still a bit empty, the special shop, which i will talk about soon is closed and so on.

Ive probably forgotten some stuff, and not all drops are done, but they will be. There are currently a limited amount of Ranks for Spells available.. But that will all be fixed soon.

[Image: screeny4.png]

Lets talk about the special shop i mentioned, ive added a shop which trades special items for special drops. Pretty much like the Hero Tokens dropped by the monsters in the Earlier areas. Allthrough this time, all type of Monsters will have an extremely small chance of dropping a special Trade Item, which you can trade for special items like Key's, Weapons.. and Armors.

Its just an another way of getting more rare items.. Smile

Anyway, go download the game and play!
Well if anybody noticed ,the game is out again..
It has guilds and stuff now, alot of new areas too..

Yeah yeah, go play.
Silverdale's awesome. Robin showed me it before it went down and now its back up. It was pretty good, I don't know what that guy is talking about. Please flamers above, seriously take those fukitol pills and overdose on those, thats what they're for aren't they? :wink: I've seen Mith and Robin work on so many projects that made me drool at my desktop, even if they might have got bored of them or paused them for a bit, it doesn't mean the game(s) failed so don't assume anything without having full knowledge of what your blabbering on about. Even if they did quit an astounding project, i've never seen anything better then their games. I sometimes go on this forum, JUST to see how their games are progressing or what other new projects they're starting.

Now think about what you said, but don't think too hard.

Btw tbh I didn't check the post dates, so my apologies to moderators and or administrators if I necro'd.
Check post dates before you reopen old wounds. Mith, PM me and let me know if you want this topic cleaned up and unlocked.

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