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Blt Item Name
I've tried adding the blt Player Names and it works and then I try to modify it a little and make it work for the items that are on maps but I don't really understand it. I'll post the code I have later, but I've got to go. Thanks Smile
[Image: ItemNameHover.png]

Take a look at the BlyNPC name codes, since they're simpler than the bltPlayerName stuff

(Just because it lacks the QBcolor crap I guess..)

Look at it checking for MapNPC, and work on shifting it all to checking for / Blitting the MapItem instead.
what about the offsets for the items because I think I got an error for those
Remove them.

Item's don't move, they don't have an offset.
should be a really easy code...

in gameloop... something like...

for i = 1 to max_map_items
    if map.item(i).spawned = true then
        Call BltItemName(i)
    end if
next i

Sub BltItemName(ByVal ItemNum as Byte)
' THen in here, just do a Blt like you would with the NPCNames or whatever, but just do it for Map.Item(ItemNum).X/Y
End Sub

Yeah and that wasn't anywhere near correct code. I haven't touched VB in 3 or 4 months... and i don't even really remember how the client handles map items (if they're a part of the Map UDT or not)... just look at that and a few of the global constants and figure it out. It should be really easy to do.
Obsidian, you seem to forget you can drop items as well.
Oh yeah.... whoops :oops: .

Anyways, my point is... just loop through a check for all the items on a map, and then just blt their names. It's really simple to do.
I think all the item names would crowd up the screen.
I set mine to Blit on hover.

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