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[Feature] A Simple Time Engine
A Simple Day And Night System
Note: There is no alpha blending or actual graphic change involved in this tutorial. This is just the actual time engine. You have to figure out the graphical aspect yourself Smile

So this is going to be a fairly simple, copy and paste tutorial. If you have any questions or problems doing the tutorial, feel free to ask Smile The system will work based on minutes, hours and days. I did not add in seconds because I always felt in-game time should be faster. This system will basically make every second count as a minute, so a complete 24 hour game cycle would last 24 minutes in real life.

Server Side
Open up modTypes
  • This will be the UDT for time. Add the following at the bottom :
    Public Type TimeRec
         Minute As Byte
         Hour As Byte
         Day As Byte
         Month As Byte
         Year As Integer
    End Type

Open up modGlobals
  • Now we will add the global variable for the time engine. Add this at the bottom :
    ' Game time
    Public GameTime as TimeRec

Open up modDatabase
  • Now we will make the saving and loading functions so that the date remains the same when we close the server. Add these subs at the bottom:
    Public Sub SaveTime()
        Dim FileName As String

        FileName = App.Path & "\data\time.ini"
        With GameTime
            PutVar FileName, "TIME", "DAY", CStr(.Day)
            PutVar FileName, "TIME", "MONTH", CStr(.Month)
            PutVar FileName, "TIME", "HOUR", CStr(.Hour)
            PutVar FileName, "TIME", "YEAR", CStr(.Year)
            PutVar FileName, "TIME", "MINUTE", CStr(.Minute
        End With
    End Sub

    Public Sub LoadTime()

        Dim FileName As String

        FileName = App.Path & "\data\time.ini"
        With GameTime
            If FileExist(FileName,True) Then
                .Day = Val(GetVar(FileName, "TIME", "DAY"))
                .Hour = Val(GetVar(FileName, "TIME", "HOUR"))
                .Year = Val(GetVar(FileName, "TIME", "YEAR"))
                .Month = Val(GetVar(FileName, "TIME", "MONTH"))
                .Minute = Val(GetVar(FileName, "TIME", "MINUTE"))
                .Day = 1
                .Month = 1
                .Year = 1
            End If
        End With
    End Sub

Now we have to actually use the saving and loading functions, so we will load the time when we are starting up the server, and save it when we are closing the server.

Open up modGeneral
  • In sub InitServer, under the following line :
    Call SetStatus("Spawning map Npcs...")
        Call SpawnAllMapNpcs
    Add :
    Call SetStatus("Loading time engine...")
        Call LoadTime

    In sub DestroyServer, under the following line:
    Call SetStatus("Destroying System Tray...")
        Call DestroySystemTray
    Add :
    Call SetStatus("Saving time values...")
        Call SaveTime

We now have a working time engine which saves and loads the values. However, we have no actual code which makes the time change, so let's add that in now Wink

Open up modServerLoop
  • Look through the sub until you get to :
    If Tick > tmr1000 Then

    This is basically the code that will run every second. Since we want every second to be a minute, we're going to add in our code here. However, to keep the server loop clean, we're going to make our own sub for processing the time. So let's add our call to that sub. Under
    ' Handle shutting down server
                If isShuttingDown Then
                    Call HandleShutdown
                End If
    Add :
    ' A second has passed, so process the time
                Call ProcessTime

Open up modGameLogic
  • Add the following at the bottom. This is the sub that handles the time as well as a function the returns the last length of each month (For example February has 28 days, December has 12, etc..). Note : I did not add leap years, you can do that yourself if you really want to Tongue.

    Public Sub ProcessTime()
        With GameTime
            .Minute = .Minute + 1
            If .Minute >= 60 Then
                .Hour = .Hour + 1
                .Minute = 0
                If .Hour >= 24 Then
                    .Day = .Day + 1
                    .Hour = 0
                    If .Day > GetMonthMax Then
                        .Month = .Month + 1
                        .Day = 1
                        If .Month > 12 Then
                            .Year = .Year + 1
                            .Month = 1
                        End If
                    End If
                End If
            End If
        End With
    End Sub
    Public Function GetMonthMax() As Byte
        Dim M As Byte
        M = GameTime.Month
        If M = 1 Or M = 3 Or M = 5 Or M = 7 Or M = 8 Or M = 10 Or M = 12 Then
            GetMonthMax = 31
        ElseIf M = 4 Or M = 6 Or M = 9 Or M = 11 Then
            GetMonthMax = 30
        ElseIf M = 2 Then
            GetMonthMax = 28
        End If
    End Function

So there you have it. That is the base for the time engine. I will add extras as time goes on. Enjoy Smile

Time Events:
As an optional add-on, I will show you how to add time events. This add-on is entirely server side.
  • Open up modGameLogic
    Replace the old ProcessTime sub with the following :
    Public Sub ProcessTime()
        With GameTime
            .Minute = .Minute + 1
            If .Minute >= 60 Then
                .Hour = .Hour + 1
                .Minute = 0
                If .Hour >= 24 Then
                    .Day = .Day + 1
                    .Hour = 0
                    If .Day > GetMonthMax Then
                        .Month = .Month + 1
                        .Day = 1
                        If .Month > 12 Then
                            .Year = .Year + 1
                            .Month = 1
                        End If
                    End If
                End If
            End If
        End With
    End Sub
    Note : I did not add in a handler for events when the minute change, as I feel this would be called too often for no reason. You can add it in if you really want to have an event based on the minute, it's fairly simple, just add in a ChangeMinuteEvents call in the ProcessTime sub and make a ChangeMinuteEvents sub Smile

    Now, under that sub, add the following :
    Public Sub ChangeDayEvents()

    End Sub
    Public Sub ChangeMonthEvents()

    End Sub
    Public Sub ChangeYearEvents()

    End Sub
    These are your event subs. They are called every time the day/month/year changes. For example, if you wanted to make an event that wished everyone happy new year, you would change the ChangeYearEvents sub to look like this :
    Public Sub ChangeYearEvents()
        Call GlobalMsg("All the villagers of Gameland are celebrating the new game year!", Cyan)
    End Sub
    You could easily add, for example, an automated event that would give every player that is online at the time experience. For another example, let's make an event for when it is Valentine's Day in-game. This would be in the ChangeDayEvents :
    Public Sub ChangeDayEvents()
        Dim I As Long
        If GameTime.Day = 14 And GameTime.Month = 2 Then
            For I = 1 To High_Index
                If IsPlaying(I) Then
                    Call PlayerMsg(I, "An anonymous villager has sent you a chocolate as a present for Valentine's Day!", Red)
                    Call GiveItem(I, 1, 1)
                End If
            Next I
        End If
    End Sub
    This would, for example, message every player and give them an item.

    So as you can see, time events are incredibly versitile and can be used to make many automated events to add a sense of realism and time to your game.

/time Command:
Adding a /time command to find out the time on the client side will be a fairly easy process as long as you follow my exact directions. This will give you a peek at creating and sending a packet.
On both the Client Side and Server Side, go to modEnumerations
  • Look for the following :
    'The following enum member automatically stores the number of messages,
        'since it is last. Any new messages must be placed above this entry.
    End Enum
    It will be in the 'enum' :
    Public Enum ClientPackets
    Right above the comment, add :
    Make sure you add this to both the Client modEnumerations and the Server modEnumerations.

On the Client Side, open up modInput
  • Go to sub HandleKeyPresses and look for the following code:
    ' Request stats
                    Case "/stats"
                        Set Buffer = New clsBuffer
                        Buffer.PreAllocate 2
                        Buffer.WriteInteger CGetStats
                        SendData Buffer.ToArray()

    and under it, add :
    ' Request time
                    Case "/time"
                        Set Buffer = New clsBuffer
                        Buffer.PreAllocate 2
                        Buffer.WriteInteger CTimeRequest
                        SendData Buffer.ToArray()

Very good! Now for the server side, open up modHandleData
  • At the bottom of the sub InitMessages, add the following line :
    HandleDataSub(CTimeRequest) = GetAddress(AddressOf HandleTimeRequest)

    And now add the following sub anywhere in that module :
    ' :::::::::::::::::::::::::
    ' :: Time Request packet ::
    ' :::::::::::::::::::::::::
    Private Sub HandleTimeRequest(ByVal Index As Long, ByRef Data() As Byte, ByVal StartAddr As Long, ByVal ExtraVar As Long)
         Dim TimeString As String, DateString As String, MinuteString As String
         With GameTime
            MinuteString = .Minute
            If Len(MinuteString) = 1 Then MinuteString = "0" & MinuteString
            If .Hour > 12 Then
                TimeString = (.Hour - 12) & ":" & MinuteString & " PM"
            ElseIf .Hour = 12 Then
                TimeString = .Hour & ":" & MinuteString & " PM"
                TimeString = .Hour & ":" & MinuteString & " AM"
            End If
            DateString = Right(.Day, 1)
            If DateString = 1 Then
                DateString = .Day & "st"
            ElseIf DateString = 2 Then
                DateString = .Day & "nd"
            ElseIf DateString = 3 Then
                DateString = .Day & "rd"
                DateString = .Day & "th"
            End If
            Call PlayerMsg(Index, "The current game time is " & TimeString & ". The date is currently the " & DateString & " of " & MonthName(.Month) & ", Year " & .Year & ".", White)
         End With
    End Sub
    Note that we use the built-in VB6 function MonthName to get the name of the Month. If you wish to have your own month names, or you modify the code to have a smaller amount of months with custom names, you will have to make a function that will give you the name of the month.

    You now have a fully working /time function! Smile
It'd be cool if someone created their own ingame times.
James Wrote:This could probably be altered to make game-time based on real time (3 hours is a day or something in game?)

Just a thought.

Well this is basically what this code is, it's based on 'real time'. A in-game day is 24 minutes according to this code (60 real seconds = 60 in-game minutes). It could easily be modified to accomodate that though Smile
Or have 2 kind of time: game time and real time. Just like FFXII.

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