Can someone help me, whats an array?
I've tried to rip over Arrows but when I click Run, it highlights 'Map' and says Expected Array...
If x >= 0 And x = 0 And y
If you're trying to rip the ranged weapons system from ES, you truly are an idiot. There is a tut floating around for this, by me, using the ES system. If it's not on the forums, it IS on Robin's and Cruel's back up of them. So ask them.
:x, well can u link me? :p
If you're on the client, Map isn't an array :lol:
It is in Elysium though, I think.
;( oh well, deleted the whole thing from the source... But i searched forums and couldnt find any arrow/bow tuts :\
Don't look for the tut, look for the Tutorial Database hosted by Robin and Cruel