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Blting Errors... Help?
So i fixed my blting errors FINALLY!

I'm so dumb it's almost hilarious. With 32x64 sprites we usually have to blt the top 32x32 and the bottom 32x32, at least thats how I have done it in my source, and probably how most other people do it too.

With the helmets, I had them set on the paperdoll sprite sheet so that they spanned 64 pixels... and was blting both parts of the helmet in the same sub.

With rec
            .top = BltF * PIC_Y
            .Bottom = .top + PIC_Y * 2
            .Left = (GetPlayerDir(index) * 3 + Anim) * PIC_X
            .Right = .Left + PIC_X
        End With

This doesn't work when you move the the y=0 because of how the rec is declared. All I did was create a second sub for BltHelmetTop, copied the code structure from the bltPlayerTop sub and voila! It works Smile

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