21-08-2008, 05:58 AM
Okay, a little more.
Check out how the Warp attribute opens up a new form which stores data for a Map, X location, and Y location. You'll basically need to do the same thing. You'll be assigning a number to the tile's .Data1, .Data2, or .Data3 variables. You've already assigned the .Type attribute from what you tell me so far.
Then you'll have to add a variable to the PlayerRec. Either server side, or client and server side, depending on what you're trying to do with it exactly.
Check out how the Warp attribute opens up a new form which stores data for a Map, X location, and Y location. You'll basically need to do the same thing. You'll be assigning a number to the tile's .Data1, .Data2, or .Data3 variables. You've already assigned the .Type attribute from what you tell me so far.
If frmMirage.optWarp.Value = True Then
.Data1 = EditorWarpMap
.Data2 = EditorWarpX
.Data3 = EditorWarpY
End If
Then you'll have to add a variable to the PlayerRec. Either server side, or client and server side, depending on what you're trying to do with it exactly.