30-11-2006, 12:15 AM
Verrigan Wrote:Can you recompile with a GetTickCount() method at the bottom?I'd like to compare all three.. and I don't have VB at work. (Just VBA, which isn't gonna be the same..)
I completely forgot that it'd be a good idea to compare with GetTickCount...
And if you don't notice, I had to remove my method for you because I was still fixing it. This would be a great place to ask why the hell I'm getting overflow errors:
GetTickCountMethod = (SysTime.wDayOfWeek * 86400000) + (SysTime.wHour * 3600000) + (SysTime.wMinute * 60000) + (SysTime.wSecond * 1000) + SysTime.wMilliseconds - 2147483647
Don't let the big numbers fool you, this number really does fit in the ranges of a long. I keep getting an "Overflow" error at seemingly random times. I've debugged a bit and have determined that I get that overflow error if the milliseconds equals "0" (there is a 1 in a thousand chance of that, and it'll occur with enough calls). I really can't see why the hell I'd get an overflow if I tried adding zero to the number...
If I can fix the above error, then I'll have a method that competes with yours speed wise...