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Times are changing. 3 years ago, mirage source was the greatest thing in the world. Everyone had Dx7/8. Now we're up to what, Dx11 or whatever. No one has support for Mirage Games anymore. Plus, people are getting into mobile gaming, Macintosh gaming, and bigger and better computers.
You mirage source people who are trying to bring it back are stuck in times.

I plan to bring mirage source back, but in a whole new way:

-Support for newer DirectX's
-Playable on PC AND Mac
-Playable on mobile devices
-And more but those are the big issues that will be resolved

I'll be using UNITY3D It is the most powerful and cross platform engine I have ever used. It's easy to do things, plus you can code the game in almost whatever language you want (I do C# and Javascript) It is "Free" but it won't let you add shadows, and something else. It also adds the unity logo in the beginning of your game. If you buy it (or torrent), you can do anything. (I'm using Unity 2 because thats the only torrent i could find so far) [Also, even though it says 3D, it can do 2D]

It won't be easy, I'm rebuilding the entire thing basically. If anyone would like to help out with this project, you can send me an email at
Whatever updates I have I will post on this forum.

Good luck using VB6 -_-

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