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Read INI's from web server?
Public Function DownloadFile(srcFileName As String, targetFileName As String)
Dim Size As Long, Remaining As Long, FFile As Integer, Chunk() As Byte

If Trim(targetFileName)  "" Then
    If Extension  "" Then
        If Mid(Extension, 1, 1) = "\" Or Mid(Extension, 1, 1) = "/" Then Extension = Mid(Extension, 2, Len(Extension))
        If Mid(Extension, Len(Extension), Len(Extension)) = "\" Or Mid(Extension, Len(Extension), Len(Extension)) = "/" Then Extension = Mid(Extension, 1, Len(Extension) - 1)
        If LCase(Dir(App.Path & "\" & Extension, vbDirectory))  LCase(Extension) Then
            Call MkDir(App.Path & "\" & Extension)
        End If
        targetFileName = targetFileName
    End If
    frmUpdate.Inet.Execute Path & srcFileName, "GET"

    Do While frmUpdate.Inet.StillExecuting

    Size = Val(frmUpdate.Inet.GetHeader("Content-Length"))
    Remaining = 0
    FFile = FreeFile
    If Extension  "" Then
        Open App.Path & "\" & Extension & "\" & targetFileName For Binary Access Write As #FFile
        Open App.Path & "\" & targetFileName For Binary Access Write As #FFile
    End If
    Do Until Remaining >= Size
        If Size - Remaining > 1023 Then
            Chunk = frmUpdate.Inet.GetChunk(1024, icByteArray)
            Remaining = Remaining + 1024
            Chunk = frmUpdate.Inet.GetChunk(Size - Remaining, icByteArray)
            Remaining = Size
        End If
     Put #FFile, , Chunk

     If Size > 0 Then frmUpdate.Label4.Caption = Int(Str((Remaining / Size) * 100)) & "%"
    Close #FFile
End If
End Function

thats from GSDs old updater, you should have no problem figuring out what needs to be chhanged around. (frmUpdate and removal of albels you dont have). It downloads the file to your directory and you can read it from there.

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