05-09-2006, 12:37 AM
Oop sorry about that. Somehow I screwed up on the copy & pasting. Anyway, there's only one small change you need to make. It's edited in the first post but here's the change:
In EditorChooseTile:
Find:and change to
Btw, I also noticed, in the tutorial I defaulted to 32x32 tiles, I'm going to go through and change that for everyone as well.
In EditorChooseTile:
DD_TileSurf.BltToDC frmMirage.picBack.hdc, rec_pos, rec
DD_TileSurf.BltToDC frmMirage.picSelect.hdc, rec_pos, rec
Btw, I also noticed, in the tutorial I defaulted to 32x32 tiles, I'm going to go through and change that for everyone as well.