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Successful MS/VB6 Games
Right, well you said VB6 games. You didn't say what genre of game so I thought I'd add the first EVER VB6 application I made.
This was back in the day where I thought VB6 could be used to bring down the Government.

This is a simple application that I was told had to involve: Public Declarations, Call Sub, Call Function, Randomize, If Statements and Select Case. It had to be in the form of a 'game' and had to keep record of player's score.

I can't really be bothered to upload the .EXE so I'll just paste the source code and a screenshot. Lol
If you really are sad and want to see it run then go ahead and make it yourself.

[spoiler][Image: calcgame.jpg]
Option Explicit
Public ans As Integer
Public Points As Integer

Private Sub Question()
Dim a As Integer
Dim b As Integer
Dim sym As Integer
Dim symbol As String

a = Int(Rnd * 9) + 1

b = Int(Rnd * 9) + 1

sym = Int(Rnd * 3) + 1

Select Case sym
    Case 0
        symbol = " + "
        ans = a + b
    Case 1
        symbol = " - "
        ans = a - b
    Case 2
        symbol = " / "
        ans = a / b
    Case 3
        symbol = " x "
        ans = a * b
End Select

lblQuestion.Caption = CStr(a) & symbol & CStr(b)

End Sub

Private Function Score(ByVal i As Integer)

If i = ans Then
    Points = Points + 1
    txtAnswer.Text = ""
    MsgBox "Correct!", vbOKOnly, "Score"
    txtAnswer.Text = ""
    MsgBox "Wrong! Correct Answer = " & ans, vbExclamation, "Score"
    Points = Points
End If

If Points = 25 Then

    Dim NewGame As Integer
    NewGame = MsgBox("Congratulations! You won!", vbYesNo, "GAME OVER")
        If NewGame = vbYes Then
            Points = 0
            txtAnswer.Text = ""
        ElseIf NewGame = vbNo Then
            Unload Me
        End If
    'Do nothing
End If

Call UpdateScore(Points)

End Function

Private Function UpdateScore(ByVal i As Integer)

     lblScore.Caption = "Score: " & i
End Function

Private Sub cmdSend_Click()

Call Score(CInt(txtAnswer.Text))
Call Question

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()

Points = 0

Call Question
Call UpdateScore(Points)

End Sub

It's simple, it's messy, it's a waste. Atleast I got an A for it. Tongue

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