Mirage Engine
Successful MS/VB6 Games - Printable Version

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Successful MS/VB6 Games - shaded - 22-02-2009

Post any successful or potential VB6/MS games. Try to refrain from posting any that are already known on the forums. Might give some motivation or insight to some players.


I am not completely sure, but I believe this game started from old MS. When I played the game, it was many years back and I didn't know of MS. But I vaguely remember someone talking about mirage something. But it is coded in VB6. The current owner of the game purchased OdysseyClassic from someone else. At the time the game had a lot of similarities to MS.

Re: Successful MS/VB6 Games - Mithlomion - 22-02-2009

Silverdale hehe Big Grin? Tongue


Re: Successful MS/VB6 Games - Anthony - 22-02-2009

I believe Odyssey is it's own game coded from scratch. Consty took a lot of the ideas for Mirage from Odyssey.

Re: Successful MS/VB6 Games - Mithlomion - 22-02-2009

I played it, its pretty simillar to MS.

Re: Successful MS/VB6 Games - Jacob - 22-02-2009

Mirage Realms


Re: Successful MS/VB6 Games - Matt - 22-02-2009

Well, there's 2 games already listed that break the rules of this post. Tongue

Re: Successful MS/VB6 Games - Mithlomion - 22-02-2009

Matt Wrote:Well, there's 2 games already listed that break the rules of this post. Tongue

How come?

Re: Successful MS/VB6 Games - Matt - 22-02-2009

He said to list games that are NOT on the forums already. Lol.

It doesn't matter. A huge topic of all the games that someone will actually update, would be good. Since William no longer really comes to the forums, his topic kinda died.

Re: Successful MS/VB6 Games - Dragoons Master - 22-02-2009

Matt Wrote:He said to list games that are NOT on the forums already. Lol.

It doesn't matter. A huge topic of all the games that someone will actually update, would be good. Since William no longer really comes to the forums, his topic kinda died.
Well, since no problem.
Website is not on air for a few days, low on money xD

Re: Successful MS/VB6 Games - shaded - 22-02-2009

When did you guys play Odyssey? I first was on I think during 1996 or so.

Re: Successful MS/VB6 Games - shaded - 23-02-2009

I don't know a whole lot about MS history, but I see a connection between Odyssey and MS. I know Odyssey source code was being sold fairly cheap at one point. You can still purchase a version of Odyssey from the current owner of the game. I hate what the knew owner has done with the game....but it's an impressive piece of work.

Re: Successful MS/VB6 Games - Matt - 23-02-2009

Anthony Wrote:I believe Odyssey is it's own game coded from scratch. Consty took a lot of the ideas for Mirage from Odyssey.

Re: Successful MS/VB6 Games - Jacob - 23-02-2009

Yeah, I completely missed the part where he said not to post if you are already on the forums. Oh well.

Re: Successful MS/VB6 Games - William - 24-02-2009

From what I remember. Mirage was out long before the Ody source was released. Also, Consty got the Ody source some how, and released it under an AOL account, provided the download, etc. So while he took the ideas and integrated them into Mirage... I doubt the source is any alike Smile If you have both sources to Mirage and Ody, go ahead and compare the two Smile And.. I'm talking about the original Ody's source (the one from the creator, Bugaboo).

Re: Successful MS/VB6 Games - Lochie - 01-03-2009

Right, well you said VB6 games. You didn't say what genre of game so I thought I'd add the first EVER VB6 application I made.
This was back in the day where I thought VB6 could be used to bring down the Government.

This is a simple application that I was told had to involve: Public Declarations, Call Sub, Call Function, Randomize, If Statements and Select Case. It had to be in the form of a 'game' and had to keep record of player's score.

I can't really be bothered to upload the .EXE so I'll just paste the source code and a screenshot. Lol
If you really are sad and want to see it run then go ahead and make it yourself.

[spoiler][Image: calcgame.jpg]
Option Explicit
Public ans As Integer
Public Points As Integer

Private Sub Question()
Dim a As Integer
Dim b As Integer
Dim sym As Integer
Dim symbol As String

a = Int(Rnd * 9) + 1

b = Int(Rnd * 9) + 1

sym = Int(Rnd * 3) + 1

Select Case sym
    Case 0
        symbol = " + "
        ans = a + b
    Case 1
        symbol = " - "
        ans = a - b
    Case 2
        symbol = " / "
        ans = a / b
    Case 3
        symbol = " x "
        ans = a * b
End Select

lblQuestion.Caption = CStr(a) & symbol & CStr(b)

End Sub

Private Function Score(ByVal i As Integer)

If i = ans Then
    Points = Points + 1
    txtAnswer.Text = ""
    MsgBox "Correct!", vbOKOnly, "Score"
    txtAnswer.Text = ""
    MsgBox "Wrong! Correct Answer = " & ans, vbExclamation, "Score"
    Points = Points
End If

If Points = 25 Then

    Dim NewGame As Integer
    NewGame = MsgBox("Congratulations! You won!", vbYesNo, "GAME OVER")
        If NewGame = vbYes Then
            Points = 0
            txtAnswer.Text = ""
        ElseIf NewGame = vbNo Then
            Unload Me
        End If
    'Do nothing
End If

Call UpdateScore(Points)

End Function

Private Function UpdateScore(ByVal i As Integer)

     lblScore.Caption = "Score: " & i
End Function

Private Sub cmdSend_Click()

Call Score(CInt(txtAnswer.Text))
Call Question

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()

Points = 0

Call Question
Call UpdateScore(Points)

End Sub

It's simple, it's messy, it's a waste. Atleast I got an A for it. Tongue

Re: Successful MS/VB6 Games - Acruno - 06-03-2009

Lochie Wrote:Right, well you said VB6 games. You didn't say what genre of game so I thought I'd add the first EVER VB6 application I made.
This was back in the day where I thought VB6 could be used to bring down the Government.

This is a simple application that I was told had to involve: Public Declarations, Call Sub, Call Function, Randomize, If Statements and Select Case. It had to be in the form of a 'game' and had to keep record of player's score.

I can't really be bothered to upload the .EXE so I'll just paste the source code and a screenshot. Lol
If you really are sad and want to see it run then go ahead and make it yourself.

[spoiler][Image: calcgame.jpg]
Option Explicit
Public ans As Integer
Public Points As Integer

Private Sub Question()
Dim a As Integer
Dim b As Integer
Dim sym As Integer
Dim symbol As String

a = Int(Rnd * 9) + 1

b = Int(Rnd * 9) + 1

sym = Int(Rnd * 3) + 1

Select Case sym
    Case 0
        symbol = " + "
        ans = a + b
    Case 1
        symbol = " - "
        ans = a - b
    Case 2
        symbol = " / "
        ans = a / b
    Case 3
        symbol = " x "
        ans = a * b
End Select

lblQuestion.Caption = CStr(a) & symbol & CStr(b)

End Sub

Private Function Score(ByVal i As Integer)

If i = ans Then
    Points = Points + 1
    txtAnswer.Text = ""
    MsgBox "Correct!", vbOKOnly, "Score"
    txtAnswer.Text = ""
    MsgBox "Wrong! Correct Answer = " & ans, vbExclamation, "Score"
    Points = Points
End If

If Points = 25 Then

    Dim NewGame As Integer
    NewGame = MsgBox("Congratulations! You won!", vbYesNo, "GAME OVER")
        If NewGame = vbYes Then
            Points = 0
            txtAnswer.Text = ""
        ElseIf NewGame = vbNo Then
            Unload Me
        End If
    'Do nothing
End If

Call UpdateScore(Points)

End Function

Private Function UpdateScore(ByVal i As Integer)

     lblScore.Caption = "Score: " & i
End Function

Private Sub cmdSend_Click()

Call Score(CInt(txtAnswer.Text))
Call Question

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()

Points = 0

Call Question
Call UpdateScore(Points)

End Sub

It's simple, it's messy, it's a waste. Atleast I got an A for it. Tongue

Successful MS/VB6 Games