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Mouse Movement (my way)
(cause I love MS so much, I decided to release it.. hope somebody likes it.)

This tutorial can not be moved to any other forums, neither linked or anything. You can only come here to use it.

I will not explain anything were to put the things, it's pretty simple. So figure it out on your own.

If Button = vbRightButton Then
    If Not InEditor Then
        Call CharMove(X, Y)
    End If
    End If

Public Sub CharMove(ByVal X As Single, ByVal Y As Single)
'Finds the heading way with our mouse position
Dim iScrX As Integer
Dim iScrY As Integer
Dim lAngle As Long

iScrX = X - frmMirage.picScreen.Left - Player(MyIndex).X * 32
iScrY = Y - - Player(MyIndex).Y * 32
iScrY = -iScrY
If iScrY = 0 Then
    lAngle = 0
    lAngle = Atn(iScrX / iScrY) * 180 / 3.14159265
End If

If (lAngle >= -45 And lAngle  0 Then
        DirUp = True
        DirDown = False
        DirLeft = False
        DirRight = False
        If CanMove = True Then
             Call SetPlayerDir(MyIndex, DIR_UP)
             Call CheckMovement
        End If
        DirUp = False
        DirDown = True
        DirLeft = False
        DirRight = False
        If CanMove = True Then
             Call SetPlayerDir(MyIndex, DIR_DOWN)
             Call CheckMovement
        End If
    End If
ElseIf (lAngle > 45 And lAngle = -90) Then
    If iScrX < 0 Then
                 DirUp = False
        DirDown = False
        DirLeft = True
        DirRight = False
        If CanMove = True Then
             Call SetPlayerDir(MyIndex, DIR_LEFT)
             Call CheckMovement
        End If
        DirUp = False
        DirDown = False
        DirLeft = False
        DirRight = True
        If CanMove = True Then
             Call SetPlayerDir(MyIndex, DIR_RIGHT)
             Call CheckMovement
        End If
    End If
End If
End Sub

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