18-08-2006, 11:54 PM
I have a code, not sure if it'll work(but it's in vb6DX8) so if you can transform it into something I'm not even sure if it's a code like that, just a sec and I'll post it.
Could you post your tut on what you have for the full and windowed?
but here's the code I got from a DX8 sprpg engine book;
I'm not sure if that'll work, but if you want you can mess with it, but I haven't been able to get it to work even changing it to support DX7 without d3d.
Also I found this earlier today, it's a tut for actual for screen mode http://www.splamm.com/elysium/forums/vi ... b32cdc795a Have a look it explains somethings.
Could you post your tut on what you have for the full and windowed?
but here's the code I got from a DX8 sprpg engine book;
const SCREENWIDTH as long = 800
const SCREENHEIGHT as long = 600
const FullSCREEN as boolean = false
const C_BLACK as long = &HO
const C_RED as long = &HFF0000
'the directx objects
dim dx as directx8
dim d3d as direct3d8
dim d3dx as new d3dx8
dim dispmode as d3ddisplaymode
dim d3dpp as d3dpresent_parameters
dim d3ddev as direct3ddevice8
'some surfaces
dim backbuffer as direct3dsurface8
dim surface as direct3dsurface8
private sub form_load()
'set up the main form
form1.Caption = "LoadBitmap"
form1.scalemode = 3
form1.width = Screen.Twipsperpixelx * (SCREENWIDTH + 12)
form1.height = screen.twipsperpixely * (SCREENHEIGHT + 30)
'initialize direct3d
'get reference to the backbuffer
set back = d3ddev.getbackbuffer(0, d3dbackbuffer_type_mono)
'load surface
set surface = loadsurface(app.path & "\whatever.bmp")
end sub
I'm not sure if that'll work, but if you want you can mess with it, but I haven't been able to get it to work even changing it to support DX7 without d3d.
Also I found this earlier today, it's a tut for actual for screen mode http://www.splamm.com/elysium/forums/vi ... b32cdc795a Have a look it explains somethings.