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Quote:In modHandleData, find any packets which have things like "player(index).STR =" etc. and underneath, have a label or something in frmMirage updated with that information.

If there isn't any packets which send this info, make one.

You mean like these?
If LCase(Parse(0)) = "playerstats" Then
Call SetPlayerSTR(MyIndex, Val(Parse(6)))
frmMirage.lblSTR.Caption = Player(MyIndex).STR
Call SetPlayerDEF(MyIndex, Val(Parse(5)))
frmMirage.lblDEF.Caption = Player(MyIndex).DEF
Call SetPlayerSPEED(MyIndex, Val(Parse(3)))
frmMirage.lblSPEED.Caption = Player(MyIndex).SPEED
Call SetPlayerMAGI(MyIndex, Val(Parse(4)))
frmMirage.lblMAGI.Caption = Player(MyIndex).MAGI
Call SetPlayerLevel(MyIndex, Val(Parse(2)))
frmMirage.lblLevel.Caption = Player(MyIndex).Level
Call SetPlayerExp(MyIndex, Val(Parse(1)))
frmMirage.lblEXP.Caption = Player(MyIndex).Exp
Exit Sub
End If

Sorry, still very new to this half of VB, how exactly would I do that. I tried something earlier on in the week, but I'm still not sure how you mean.

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