03-08-2006, 06:40 PM
i see
that could be done..
maybe a list of the players inventory adn allselabel items inteh players inventory are enabled adn those not useable are disabled..
this woudlbe onteh shops sell screen where the player sells stuff ot hte shop.
adn youcould do the item type to sell ina drop list..
adn youcould then sue a percentage thing do degrade tehprice theshop pays for equipment
this does sound liek a very nice setup..
let meknwo ifyouwna tsomehelp.
that could be done..
maybe a list of the players inventory adn allselabel items inteh players inventory are enabled adn those not useable are disabled..
this woudlbe onteh shops sell screen where the player sells stuff ot hte shop.
adn youcould do the item type to sell ina drop list..
adn youcould then sue a percentage thing do degrade tehprice theshop pays for equipment
this does sound liek a very nice setup..
let meknwo ifyouwna tsomehelp.