12-05-2008, 12:51 PM
James Wrote:I think maybe he means like an FF type deal. In FF:CC you can merge 3 fira spells to form like Flazaga or something, a more powerful spell. Maybe you meant like that? If so, you can save them to memory. Have a Player.Spell1, 2, 3 or whatever, then check to see what spells are in the slots, and check a like "combo spell list" which would be different from normal spells. it checks the spells slots, and if the slots match a spell in the combo spell list, then cast that combo spell, however if the spells match no combo, then just cast the spell in slot 1. You could design combos for 2 and 3 slots, and then have it so if you have just 1 slot filled, use that slot.
Just an idea, maybe more of what you originally thought?
Well it sounds better than what i had in mind, but seems more of a hassle to program.