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Attribute Question
Wow, I completely overlooked that. Guess that'll teach me to try to program before work while trying to get dressed so I'm not late *_*

*Edit* Maybe you can help me out one more time. Below is some lines of code I've come up with.

This line creates an item in the account thats called ownership and set to 0 automatically

(Server Side)

Call PutVar(FileName, "CHAR" & i, "Ownership", STR(Player(Index).Char(i).Ownership))

These lines are the code I used Client Side to save an "Owner" tile

Private Sub cmdOk_Click()
    EditorOwner = scrlOwn.Value
    Unload Me
End Sub

This is the part in the map editor that I've figured out (at least I'm pretty sure) saves the attribute for EditorOwner in the Map file.

If FrmMapeditor.OptOwner.Value = True Then
                        .Type = TILE_TYPE_OWNER
                        .Data1 = EditorOwner
                        .Data2 = 0
                        .Data3 = 0
                    End If

What I would like to do is write an If/Else statement, causing the attribute on the tile to only activate if
the number I set in the map editor is equal too the number I set on the members account (defaulted at 0). I know this
is going to be done server side, that's where the attribute coding is, however I don't know how to call the .data1 from this tile or the Ownership set in the .ini (Yes, I know .ini files suck, but I don't plan on converting to Binary until more of the coding is done up, and I have a better understanding of VB, please hold the flaming)

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