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Shutdown Client
At the bottom of Sub Gameloop client side, you will see this:
frmMirage.Visible = False
    frmSendGetData.Visible = True
    Call SetStatus("Destroying game data...")
    ' Shutdown the game
    Call GameDestroy
    ' Report disconnection if server disconnects
    If IsConnected = False Then
        Call MsgBox("Thank you for playing " & GAME_NAME & "!", vbOKOnly, GAME_NAME)
    End If
End Sub

' Shutdown the game
    Call GameDestroy

Should be below:
' Report disconnection if server disconnects
    If IsConnected = False Then
        Call MsgBox("Thank you for playing " & GAME_NAME & "!", vbOKOnly, GAME_NAME)
    End If

Like this:
frmMirage.Visible = False
    frmSendGetData.Visible = True
    Call SetStatus("Destroying game data...")
    ' Report disconnection if server disconnects
    If IsConnected = False Then
        Call MsgBox("Thank you for playing " & GAME_NAME & "!", vbOKOnly, GAME_NAME)
    End If

    ' Shutdown the game
    Call GameDestroy
End Sub

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