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Ip Config (for engines)
Difficuly: 2/5

Only Client Side:

1st make a new form and name it frmIpconfig
Make 2 txtBoxes named txtIP and txtPort
Make 2 picBoxes named picConfirm and picCancel
In the code put the following:

[code]Option Explicit

Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim FileName As String
FileName = App.Path & "\config.ini"
txtIP = ReadINI("IPCONFIG", "IP", FileName)
txtPort = ReadINI("IPCONFIG", "PORT", FileName)
End Sub

Private Sub picCancel_Click()
frmMainMenu.Visible = True
frmIpconfig.Visible = False
End Sub

Private Sub picConfirm_Click()
Dim IP, Port As String
Dim fErr As Integer
Dim Texto As String

IP = txtIP
Port = Val(txtPort)

fErr = 0
If fErr = 0 And Len(Trim(IP)) = 0 Then
fErr = 1
Call MsgBox("Inform a correct IP.", vbCritical, GAME_NAME)
Exit Sub
End If
If fErr = 0 And Port

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