18-12-2007, 01:27 AM
Sorry for the necro-post, but I have a fix for this tutorial. For anyone who doesn't want to use only odds or evens, you can do this simple fix (took me awhile to come up with it). It makes it so every 32x64 section on the sprites = 1 sprite
Client Side:
Find in modGameLogic...
And change that function to...
And where he told you to do this:
Sub bltPlayerTop
Again, sorry for the necro-post...
Client Side:
Find in modGameLogic...
Sub SetPlayerSprite(ByVal Index As Long, ByVal Sprite As Long)
Sub SetPlayerSprite(ByVal Index As Long, ByVal Sprite As Long)
Player(Index).Sprite = Sprite * 2
End Sub
And where he told you to do this:
Quote:Oh yea, in both of the subs, add a * 2 after the getplayersprite(index) in the rec.top line, this make it so each block of 2 is thought of as 1 sprite.Don't do that; which would make your rec.Top in Sub bltPlayer:
.top = (GetPlayerSprite(Index) * PIC_Y + PIC_Y)
.top = GetPlayerSprite(Index) * PIC_Y
Again, sorry for the necro-post...