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Making PvP Better
The sword idea just makes a PvP equivalent of Grinding. It sucks so hard to be that new player than every high level preys on, and that's in games that usually offer a penalty for PvP, offering an incentive is just gonna make people want to PvP the weaker players, I suppose you could consider that making PvP more fun.. but it just seems like Stat farming and grinding to me.

Dunno why you gotta be such a bastard about it though, you can make it all work, but it's just making everything worse.

If I log in, and get PKed, and have to sit in a fucking dungeon for God knows how long, I'm gonna be canceling my subscription, and never playing that game again. I dunno about you, but I don't enjoy not being able to play a game.

Once again, the soul Idea is jsut going to make people mad, is it fair? yes, duration and all that is fine, in essence its perfectly balanced, but all the same, it's going to make people mad, and pissing off your player base isn't gonna help anything.

All those simply give Power Abusers and griefers even -more- ability to piss off the casual gamer.

I kind found the "devoid of any meaning" comment kinda funny however, since we were arguing your points.. and you called them meaningless.

EDIT: Just saw the Wasting time comment, Maybe we're wasting yours, it doesn't matter, you offered ideas to William, who is asking how to make his game more fun, you put up points, and I'm saying why he shouldn't add them. which is what he's asking for.

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