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/pm instead of !
this is what i use

' Player message
        If Mid(MyText, 1, 5) = "/tell" Then
            ChatText = Mid(MyText, 7, Len(MyText) - 6)
            name = ""
            ' Get the desired player from the user text
            For i = 1 To Len(ChatText)
                If Mid(ChatText, i, 1)  " " Then
                    name = name & Mid(ChatText, i, 1)
                    Exit For
                End If
            Next i
            ' Make sure they are actually sending something
            If Len(ChatText) - i > 0 Then
                ChatText = Mid(ChatText, i + 1, Len(ChatText) - i)
                ' Send the message to the player
                Call PlayerMsg(ChatText, name)
                Call AddText("Usage: /tell  ", AlertColor)
            End If
            MyText = ""
            frmMirage.txtChatText.Text = ""
            Exit Sub
        End If

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