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In Vanilla MSE, this is done like this:
' Check if we need to restore surfaces
        If NeedToRestoreSurfaces Then
            Call InitSurfaces
        End If
In my game, I load the Surfaces again before I do the Restore, I'm not sure why I do this, I did this a long ago and there is no commentary at this part of the code of my game... Here it is:
If NeedToRestoreSurfaces Then
            Call AddText("Espere um momento...", Red)
            Call InitSurfaces(True)
            Call AddText("Pronto.", White)
        End If
Ignore the two AddText()...
This parameter True is a thing I did just so if it is true no window will be show when calling InitSurfaces, since there is needed a few when the game really starts.
I'm not sure if this can help you out with exactly this problem but maybe it will. Good luck!

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