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Mirage Converted to VB.NET 2008
James Wrote:No point in direct conversion. It comes out with a ton of errors which you just have to find crappy work-arounds for. Best to just design a whole other source, but keep the feel or Mirage programming, which could be easy enough. Server is easy to convert because it doesn't have to interact, so it can stand alone and no error may be seen. Start getting it interacting with a client, and I'm sure errors will be a blazin!

All in all, a direct port/conversion is absolutely horrid. Do it from nothing and use good clean .NET standards, because .NET can do a lot of stuff VB6 can't, hence why Mirage has a lot of work-arounds for things as well, that you don't need in .NET.

It was actually quite good and up to most standards. Once we finished the networking, we were going to finish the rest of the stuff and get it up to standards for, but we quit. Wink

It did work with the vb6 client though.

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