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Megaliths < First Page Updated!!
I love everything about the game, cept that the characters are not animated.
lol I think on the new GUI, the laptop kind throws off the other icons
All the ripped particle and shadow systems aside, I think this will have trouble holding players.
Mainly because of the spriting. A sliding little guy is just, WAY to retro, and there is a reason animation was invented.
Trying to cover it up with source edits from VBGore wont change the fact that the player representation itself is boring, and if a player is bored by their avatar, there isnt much chance they'll stick around long.
With those tiny lil sprites it really wouldnt be to much to animate them to SOME degree.
Lol, are you going to start up that crap here to? You allready said this at eclipse, i get it.

I honestly dont care if you dont like the sprites, you said the game wont last even a week at eclipse.. I proved you wrong since its gone through three tests.. You dont trust my game design to work.. well i cant convince you to. You say if their bored of the avatar, they quit.. well i dont quit if im bored of my Animated Character.. You havent played the game, therefore you cant say if its fun or not.. so why dont you just stfu and go back to eclipse where people can expect the games to suck, even though they have the animations, the games are plain boring and shitty.

My game has fellow followers waiting to play, even when they tested the uberly boring non-animated gameplay. I dont know if people could say the same about Eclipse games, since the games there only have eclipse members playing eclipse games, thats why they dont notice the shit it really is.

Trying to cover up what with teh vbGORE featuers? We're crediting vbGORE for using its code, why dont you go back to Eclipse.. where stuff are really ripped.
Guys, stop bringing up Eclipse. It doesn't fucking matter if the game is made with Eclipse or not. If you have a solid game, it can be made just as good in Eclipse as in any other engine, as long as you're willing to spend more time programming.
Why aren't maps and shit loaded up in a dynamic array?
the 4 people that know how are lazy
Who are those 4 people?
you, me, and 2 others?
Im not talking about the engine, you can make a FUN game with any engine.
This guy is telling my game will suck and fail, basing it all on the sprite design.. thats just retarded, especially when he hasnt even played the game.

And all im saying is, he probably expects it to be boring cause all Eclipse games are, i havent played One fun game there.. all game really bad development.

From my experience i think Megalith will be fun, since it'll be simillar to Silverdale.. and we all know how much attention that got :roll: .. and how badly it was made.
It is a personal choice..

I got inspired by games like Whispers in Akarra and Dawn of Daria..

Really dont judge the game untill you try it, the people that have played it.. (Not all) but most of them got used to the One Directional sprites, and with the amount of Paperdoll items, races and so on.. it really isint that bad, its actually pretty nice.
I didn't mind the sprites when i was playing. The gameplay reminded me of SD so twas all good Tongue
404 on the website.
Switching hosts.
Why aren't maps and shit loaded up in a dynamic array?
the 4 people that know how are lazy
Who are those 4 people?
you, me, and 2 others?
Oh yeah I forgot about that.
Personally, I could deal with the sprites, if they at least flipped when walking left or right. Lol.
I like the sprites. Paper doll would be cool on them but the way they are is really different from what I have ever seen and who really cares? I am going to be spending my time looking at the artwork which Mith has poured into this game, it's gorgeous.

Guy telling Mith it's not going to last, where are you coming from? Your years of successful game creation? Jealousy makes people do crazy things.

Mithlomion Wrote:teh
You said teh... Lol.
Only way its not going to last is if DFA dies and i plan on making a new game xD.

Haha lol..

But yeah Perfect they are going to switch sides when walking left and right Smile.
Mithlomion Wrote:Only way its not going to last is if DFA dies and i plan on making a new game xD.

Haha lol..

But yeah Perfect they are going to switch sides when walking left and right Smile.

Woot. Then I'm alright with them. Lol.
Omg Mith, I cann0t pl4y this game if the sprites don't sing and dance! What kind of game doesn't have singing and dancing sprites... omg I'm so against retroness that i've added the word "Vespa" to my profanity list.

Don't you just wanna kill people sometimes?
Quote:I was thinking for the past few days, and ive come up with quite some ideas.

This is one of them.
Remember this thread is open for discussion, please post your ideas.. and suggestions.

Allright, to give all players uniqueness ive removed the Classes. Instead each player will start with some Skill Points. The stats will be shorted to perhaps 3-4, im not sure what they're gonna be yet. But you wont be able to increase them yourself, instead you will pick a Main and Secondary Stat, and they will increase as you level.

The level cap will be around 50, each level you get 5 Points. Thats 250 Points when max Level. With these points you can increase your Skills, there will be 15 different Skills. (Maybe more will be added Later, as secondary Skills)

Each skill will have a cap of 100 Points. And that means each Point will do something good, which means if you actually have 100 Points at that skill, you really own at that skill.

[Image: heheheqf2.png]

You will also get 5 Skill Points when you create your character, so you may decide your class. You wont be limited to what you chose, you may chose whatever you want.. Battle-Mage, Rogue-Tank (Which can be Effective)... Anything you want..

Currently im not sure how the re-specc feature will work.. or if it even will be aviable, since it'd be stupid if people could pay like a various amount of gold to change class, instead im thinking of a slow way of "leveling" down your skill.. Not sure about that yet, but we'll see.

Read more about it at Megalith Smile.
I see you have "Mace Fighting". The usual term, which sounds MUCH better imo, is "Blunt Weaponry".

Quote:[Image: femalesprites.png]
[Image: female.png]

[Image: slash2.gif]

[Image: slash3.gif]

[Image: slash1.gif]

Quote:Allright, this was actually suggested by DFA long time ago.. but ive just now tried to see how it looks.. and im really not certain what kind of icons we should use for Megalith Inventory.. I think both look great, what do you guys think?

The old Icons will look exactly like the armor your equipping, the second system.. The square icon system will have pretty much random icons for everything, and not each icon will be unique.

[Image: iconsoricons.png]
Square Icon system FTW!
[Image: femalepreview2.png]
Mithlomion Wrote:[Image: femalepreview2.png]

She's still ugly. >.>

I wouldn't hit it with a bat. Lol.
I would. Then I'd sell her for 30 pieces of eight to fund my pirating empire!

Why aren't maps and shit loaded up in a dynamic array?
the 4 people that know how are lazy
Who are those 4 people?
you, me, and 2 others?
Perfekt Wrote:
Mithlomion Wrote:[Image: femalepreview2.png]

She's still ugly. >.>

I wouldn't hit it with a bat. Lol.

Would consider touching it with a ten foot pole.

Jokes, good job Zoso. The style is rad! i see you've put a lot of thought into making it.
Mith, I made you a new signature:

[Image: rachaelrayrl6.png]


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