Mirage Converted to VB.NET 2008
I done a conversion(Server Side to start with) i manage to fix over 120 Errors but im struggleing with Winsock.
Quote:The designer must create an instance of type 'Microsoft.VisualBasic.Compatibility.VB6.BaseOcxArray' but it cannot because the type is declared as abstract.
Well thats the problem. I'm quite new to VB.net but im learning slowly. Any light on this would be great, this is the only error i have left before the server will run. Most of the error were because of the dimensions of the arrays have to be set before rediming them. But i cant seem to get my head around this Winsock Problem.
Does vb.net support threading? Thread each connection if winsock doesn't already encapsulate that functionality - that's really quite important to a scaleable server.
It does support threading, that was one of microsofts big hits for .NET, besides OO that is.
VB6 also supports threading in a work-a-round sort of way.
Dragoons Master
Coke Wrote:that's really quite important to a scaleable server. Just plx (plx plx plx) do NOT create one thread for each connection. That works well on Java because JavaVM handles everything thread related. This do NOT work well on Windows Based systems as well as it should. Try to create one thread every 64 connections (which is the default limit that windows accepts).
Dragoons Master Wrote:Coke Wrote:that's really quite important to a scaleable server. Just plx (plx plx plx) do NOT create one thread for each connection. That works well on Java because JavaVM handles everything thread related. This do NOT work well on Windows Based systems as well as it should. Try to create one thread every 64 connections (which is the default limit that windows accepts).
Ah alrighty, that'll teach me for applying java principles to .NET I guess. I'm assuming winsock compensates for the bad threading or.. ?
A single thread handling 64 potentially multi-socketed connections sounds a bit... fun o.0
Though if its IO blocking across given connection as I guess it might be to compensate for crap threads the multi-sockets are useless anyway so... bleh I dunno.
Dragoons Master
Hum, wait, sry. I mean... this limitation because of the FD_SETSIZE, but it's only when you are using C++ and working with pure winsocket. That happens because it uses the WaitForMultipleEvents function, and this function use the FD_SETSIZE as a limit of the array you pass in.
The .Net Framework abstracts that, so I'm pretty sure you can handle 65536 connections without no problem. Anyway, this is the handler thread. The execution should be handles by several threads, and then, there is no problem with one thread per packet handling, since the time you will spend to handle each one of this packets are quite small.
Do anyone know a source that uses VB.NET instead of VB6. I Love VB6 and all but Future windows dont work with it  also DirectX8 doesnt work with Windows 7
Mozza Wrote:Do anyone know a source that uses VB.NET instead of VB6. I Love VB6 and all but Future windows dont work with it also DirectX8 doesnt work with Windows 7
7 works with Windows 7 so I'm sure 8 does as well. VB6 is not fully supported, but it does have legacy support for the next 10 years. Meaning, if you can get it to work, congrats. Mirage Source definately works on Windows Vista and 7.
As far as a source using VB.Net, I don't know of any, sorry. I'll talk to Jacob and once I get back to my desktop, if it's okay with him, I'll release the MS4 server we built using VB.Net, it's a direct conversion and it's about 99% finished. There's just a bug with the networking code, once you log out, you can't get back in until you reset the server.
Matt Wrote:Mozza Wrote:Do anyone know a source that uses VB.NET instead of VB6. I Love VB6 and all but Future windows dont work with it also DirectX8 doesnt work with Windows 7
7 works with Windows 7 so I'm sure 8 does as well. VB6 is not fully supported, but it does have legacy support for the next 10 years. Meaning, if you can get it to work, congrats. Mirage Source definately works on Windows Vista and 7.
As far as a source using VB.Net, I don't know of any, sorry. I'll talk to Jacob and once I get back to my desktop, if it's okay with him, I'll release the MS4 server we built using VB.Net, it's a direct conversion and it's about 99% finished. There's just a bug with the networking code, once you log out, you can't get back in until you reset the server.
thats very kind of you, sounds good, well must be me then i can't seem to get DX8 files to regsiter in system32, i cant get DX7 to register either so maybe sumat i need to do? Any information would help. I have tried google but nothing on windows 7 Yet.
Mozza Wrote:Matt Wrote:Mozza Wrote:Do anyone know a source that uses VB.NET instead of VB6. I Love VB6 and all but Future windows dont work with it also DirectX8 doesnt work with Windows 7
7 works with Windows 7 so I'm sure 8 does as well. VB6 is not fully supported, but it does have legacy support for the next 10 years. Meaning, if you can get it to work, congrats. Mirage Source definately works on Windows Vista and 7.
As far as a source using VB.Net, I don't know of any, sorry. I'll talk to Jacob and once I get back to my desktop, if it's okay with him, I'll release the MS4 server we built using VB.Net, it's a direct conversion and it's about 99% finished. There's just a bug with the networking code, once you log out, you can't get back in until you reset the server.
thats very kind of you, sounds good, well must be me then i can't seem to get DX8 files to regsiter in system32, i cant get DX7 to register either so maybe sumat i need to do? Any information would help. I have tried google but nothing on windows 7 Yet.
Have you disabled UAC in your user account?
Yer, i realised i was not running regsvr32 in admin, so it was not registering the files. Thanks for your help it's working now. Still will be good to see this VB.net server maybe i could fix the problem your having, if you do need a bit of help PM me
Mozza Wrote:Yer, i realised i was not running regsvr32 in admin, so it was not registering the files. Thanks for your help it's working now. Still will be good to see this VB.net server maybe i could fix the problem your having, if you do need a bit of help PM me 
We dropped the project. And I don't have the source with me, it's on my desktop.
Why drop the project? Sounds pretty good to me, upgrading Mirage to VB.NET, maybe setting muliforum support for both versions. Well if you dont mind i would still like to see it thats if you dont mind of course, I'm planning to make client side DX9 so if the project does ever get up again message me. So when your at your desktop let me know
Mirage Source's community was very ungrateful about it, so when I quit the project, Jacob did too. It's a direct convert of the server and like I said, the networking Jacob added to it needs tweaked just a bit.
James Wrote:No point in direct conversion. It comes out with a ton of errors which you just have to find crappy work-arounds for. Best to just design a whole other source, but keep the feel or Mirage programming, which could be easy enough. Server is easy to convert because it doesn't have to interact, so it can stand alone and no error may be seen. Start getting it interacting with a client, and I'm sure errors will be a blazin!
All in all, a direct port/conversion is absolutely horrid. Do it from nothing and use good clean .NET standards, because .NET can do a lot of stuff VB6 can't, hence why Mirage has a lot of work-arounds for things as well, that you don't need in .NET.
It was actually quite good and up to most standards. Once we finished the networking, we were going to finish the rest of the stuff and get it up to standards for vb.net, but we quit.
It did work with the vb6 client though.
Matt, it would be absolutely awesome if you could release the source for the .net project you were converting.
olliepop Wrote:Matt, it would be absolutely awesome if you could release the source for the .net project you were converting.
Don't have it anymore. Just download Aphelia Source. It's VB.NET.
And god I hope your name isn't from Hannah Montana..
Matt Wrote:olliepop Wrote:Matt, it would be absolutely awesome if you could release the source for the .net project you were converting.
Don't have it anymore. Just download Aphelia Source. It's VB.NET.
And god I hope your name isn't from Hannah Montana..
Why would olliepop be from Hannah Montana? :|
GIAKEN Wrote:Matt Wrote:olliepop Wrote:Matt, it would be absolutely awesome if you could release the source for the .net project you were converting.
Don't have it anymore. Just download Aphelia Source. It's VB.NET.
And god I hope your name isn't from Hannah Montana..
Why would olliepop be from Hannah Montana? :|
I don't wanna answer that. Haha.
Matt Wrote:GIAKEN Wrote:Matt Wrote:olliepop Wrote:Matt, it would be absolutely awesome if you could release the source for the .net project you were converting.
Don't have it anymore. Just download Aphelia Source. It's VB.NET.
And god I hope your name isn't from Hannah Montana..
Why would olliepop be from Hannah Montana? :|
I don't wanna answer that. Haha.
Exactly  Hahaha.
Matt Wrote:olliepop Wrote:Matt, it would be absolutely awesome if you could release the source for the .net project you were converting.
Don't have it anymore. Just download Aphelia Source. It's VB.NET.
And god I hope your name isn't from Hannah Montana..
I've had the nickname since i was 12 xD
I used to skate a lot, but now i just don't
Hannah Montana wasn't around 4 years ago, so no :lol: