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RPG XP > Mirage tile converter?
Ok, i used to be non here a long time ago, back in the days of GSD and such, anyhow, i decided to look as MS4 and was impressed. I want to get back in to helping out, but i cant find a tool that i think that GSD made any more. It took RPG 2000 (or XP or such) charas and converted them in to MS formatted (horizontal line) sprite sheets. any one know where you can download this tool at? I did a search on here in the forum, and came up with nothing.

Remember there is rmxp and rmvx. These wont be easy to convert to MS.
ShadowMaster Wrote:Remember there is rmxp and rmvx. These wont be easy to convert to MS.

Yes they are.
Not with the color sheme it uses. They look 3D. RM2k and RM2k3 is more 2D.
ShadowMaster Wrote:Not with the color sheme it uses. They look 3D. RM2k and RM2k3 is more 2D.

They're very easily converted to Mirage Source styled sheets. We've been using them for years.
ShadowMaster Wrote:Not with the color sheme it uses. They look 3D. RM2k and RM2k3 is more 2D.
Hes talking about the sprite sheet alignment, not the style.
Labmonkey Wrote:
ShadowMaster Wrote:Not with the color sheme it uses. They look 3D. RM2k and RM2k3 is more 2D.
Hes talking about the sprite sheet alignment, not the style.

Nonetheless, either way, they work fine with MS.
yeah i ment the alignment, but my utility that i made takes care of it.

it is not automated, but hey, point and click(s) and the job is done.
Cant you just mod the source to read it a different way?
Not really sure as IO am just starting out but i think it would be possible.

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