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[VB.NET] Aphelia Engine Source
Hello, I currently have Aphelia on the back burner and I feel like people could make good use for it so I'm releasing it open source. Under no circumstances am I responsible for making any more updates or fixing any bugs or such. I will however take responsibility to answer questions and help people with small coding problems if necessary. This will be an open-source community, the engine's future is in the hands of those who want to make it better. The whole thing is licensed under GNU GPL. This is not a fully working ORPG engine, NPCs, items, spells, etc need to be added, but that should be no problem since I already have the basics setup like packets and maps and such.

Quote:Aphelia Engine Source is an VB.NET ORPG Framework meant for hobbyists.
Any questions, concerns, or to check for community based updates, please see
© 2009 Lukas Stranks A.K.A "Toast" & Jack
For more information on Jack please see (Owner).

Please visit to join the community and download the source code! Hope to see you there =]
set client Port to 9712 and it will work.
Cannot create Character because of no classes
if you try typing where it says class name you get error
GNU will scare a lot of people away. Release the server under GNU, but the client under something else.
Doomy Wrote:set client Port to 9712 and it will work.
Cannot create Character because of no classes
if you try typing where it says class name you get error

You can use the command "/stop" then "/start PORTNUMBER" on the server to set the port number to your liking.

And I see I forgot to add the default layout of classes.


Save all that as a X.xml in the /Classes/ folder, where X is a number between 0 and 255 and the server sorts them so 0 is first. Basically 'base' is meant for whether or not you can see the class on new character, an idea for class advancements later. Yes I see that I accidentally left http://www.onlinegamecore link in there I frankly I don't give a shit, it's my birthday! Big Grin

Labmonkey Wrote:GNU will scare a lot of people away. Release the server under GNU, but the client under something else.

I wouldn't even have a license. It's really only there so people don't claim it to be originally theirs. Like the past Eclipse scenario. As long as you don't do that I don't really care what you do with it.
Well then use that. GNU requires everything you release with it to be open source, including games.
Labmonkey Wrote:Well then use that. GNU requires everything you release with it to be open source, including games.

For now, I'm leaving it.
anyone going to use this
visit this
I just tried to sign up to download the source, but I can't view the captcha image on any browser..
Matt Wrote:I just tried to sign up to download the source, but I can't view the captcha image on any browser..

lol your right, good thing i signed up before there was one
Matt Wrote:I just tried to sign up to download the source, but I can't view the captcha image on any browser..

Same. Please make the download public, or fix captcha.
Edit: Toast Disabled Capacha thingy
Captcha problem? Hmm. I will disable captcha, and I strongly recommend downloading from our site. I have posted a FAQ as there are a couple things you need to do to get things running.

EDIT: Captcha disabled.
since you fixed it i edited my post to not have all the info it did before.
Toast Wrote:Captcha problem? Hmm. I will disable captcha, and I strongly recommend downloading from our site. I have posted a FAQ as there are a couple things you need to do to get things running.

EDIT: Captcha disabled.

No problem.

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