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Looking for something..
Hey guys Smile I remember a long time ago I had found a tool on here that would basically let you make a texture-sized bitmap of any font, which is incredibly useful for DirectX 8. Does anyone happen to have the link to that utility or something similar?

Hmm, that one looks pretty good, although the one I am looking for made a bitmap of the font to fit in a 256x256 texture, with each character in that font also in order so that you could easily use it. It had a GUI interface, and I'm pretty sure it was posted here.

It was literally like, enter the font and the font size, and it made a bitmap for you.

Thank you though Grim
Sorry for the double post, but I found the tool I was looking for, so if anyone else wants a tool that does this : ... 06562.html

Very useful for making a bitmap file for the font that you can make a texture of in DX8, since DX8 text rendering is awful Big Grin

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