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SkyQuest (WIP)
(This game is being made as a solo project on the XtremeWorlds Engine (I'm actually looking for someone to work with MS so I can get away from XW....)
(You can also refer to, but it is still under construction and not my main priority to keep up to date at the time.)

- I'll be honest on the first part, there is no major storyline, i feel that a game is better when you have full roam and full control of what it is you do. So simply, there will be many various quests etc, and you can do what ever it is that floats your boat. You will always have free roam of the world, over the oceans and sky , with the use of a Boating Permit, and Air Ship Permit.

- I decided i hated the tile set, so simply, remapped the whole game thus far(RMXP/RMVX Tiles, yes you will probably call it "cookie cutter", but i happen to like them).

- I also made a full new GUI through paint. yes paint.(The menu was made in PS)

- SS of the new GUI.
[Image: 2-4.jpg]

[Image: 1-9.jpg]

Current World Map

[Image: WorldMapFinal30-1.jpg]

Air Ships = 100% done :] Quick and easy inter-continental travel at your service. (That's not the actual air ship)

First you have to get the quest in Aucks (lvl.30), and when you have finished it you gain a Air-Ship Permit, when you have this permit you can takeoff from any Air-Ship Host. Right now there are 3 Air-Ship Hosts, one in each city, Juno / Aucks / and the Desert Oasis.

[Image: jahjbcfijer.jpg]

This is the Aucks Air-Ship Host -

[Image: airship.jpg]

Preview of the world map where you navigate around in your Air-Ship -

[Image: airshippy.jpg]

- There are many Trade Skills in SkyQuest, all of which you can gain levels and get better in.
- Trade skills, are the means to get the raw materials to craft, and eventually end up with a final product. You will notice after you gather the raw materials, that either by failing, or not synthesizing the degree(NQ, +1, +2)of item you want, the mass of raw materials will dwindle down to a handful of rings(or other final product).

[Image: 2-2.jpg]

Trade Skills
- Fishing. 100%
- Mining. 100%
- Skinning. 100%
- Logging. 100%
- Digging. 100%
- Harvesting. 100%

To Harvest, Dig, Mine etc, you will have to target a Point of that skill. Ex - Mining = Mining Point.. Digging = Digging Point.
The points will disappear when you "use" them, and come back within 15-60 seconds.

[Image: mp.jpg]

[Image: dp.jpg]

[Image: fish.jpg]

- Crafting Skills are very different then trade skills.
- When you are crafting your level will directly modify your chance to fail, succeed, +1, or even +2 an item. Certain items will require a higher level in that craft, say if you were trying to craft a ring, it would require a certain level of Jewelry Crafting/Smithing and/or Gem Cutting. Not only would it require these levels, but if your level is the bare minimum, there is a good chance that you will fail your synthesis of said item. The higher the level you get, the better off you are. Also every 10 levels you will be required to do a quest for said guild. If you are a level 10 Gem Cutter, the Master of that Guild will give you a test of skill, he might ask you to bring him one of each NQ stone, (9 stones). If you don't finish this quest you will be unable to exceed the level of 10. When you pass the quest you will get exp again for synthesizing and be able to resume until level 20, where you will have to prove yourself again. Every time you complete these quests every 10 levels, you will be given a title, ex) Beginner Gem Cutter.

Also - You can trade in your synthesized items for tokens for that guild, when you have gathered enough tokens you can trade them into the guild for armor that will give you + in that skill.

Crafting Skills
- Jewelry Craft. 50%
- Gem Cutting. 100%
- Leather Craft. 0%
- Paper Working. 0%
- Cloth Craft. 25%
- Cooking. 0%
- Smithing. 0%
- Alchemy. 0%

Gem Cutting Preview -
[Image: gems-1.jpg]

[Image: gemcutting.jpg]

When you type /skills. You get a list of all your skills, their levels, and how much exp into that level you are.
[Image: gemcutting2.jpg]

Also now you can buy special items that are assigned to the guild, but here is the catch, you can only buy them with guild coins.. "how do I get guild coins?" well I'll tell you, when you complete quests for that guild, or sell items that the guild would want (ex- fishing guild.. a fish of some kind) you will gain coins. These items will ALWAYS be an accessory, a head-piece, and a body-piece.

Ex -
[Image: 1-13.jpg]

Oil Lantern - Mining Skill +1 (100 coins)
Miner's Goggles - Mining Skill +1 (500 coins)
Miner's Jacket - Mining Skill +2 (1000 coins)

- Gear
- Although classes are geared towards certain "jobs" in a party, the user has full control over what they will be through stat placement and gear allocation.
- There is Heavy Armor / Light Armor. Melee use Heavy Armor, while Mages use Light armor.
- For "accessories" there is a wide variety of possibilities. (All of which are either crafted, acquired through tougher monsters, or quested.)

There are...
- Boots.
- Gauntlets.
- Capes.
- Earrings.
- Rings.
- Necklaces.
- Bangles.
- Glasses.
- Fans.
- Cards.
- Stones.
- More....

Some of them -
[Image: accccc.jpg]

First lot of weapons and armor -
[Image: firstwep.jpg]

[Image: firstdef.jpg]

- Weapons
SkyQuests weapon system is different from any other XW game.

What the final heavy set looks like (With a +5 sword)-
[Image: equiped.jpg]

Weapons up until level 30 can come in either.

Weapons level 30 and over come in..

[Image: 1423523.jpg]

(The higher the + on the weapon, the more deadly and rare it becomes.)

These weapons can be acquired through many different means..
- You can do it the old fashioned way, sometimes if you get lucky a monster you kill will drop you one :].
- Harder monsters will have a better chance to drop them, "Random Spawning Special Monsters".
- There will also be certain.. "dungeons" or "battlefields" you can do when you accumulate certain items, where the drop rates on this weapons will be higher.
- If a monster drops you a "Mysterious Liquid" you can use "synthing" commands to try and "+" your weapon.
- How it works

- To figure out what the command is for your weapon....

[Image: NOWW.jpg]

[Image: NOWWWW.jpg]


[Image: fkhovrgerhnowwwww.jpg]

- Now for the fun part

[Image: first.jpg]

[Image: second-1.jpg]

[Image: third.jpg]

[Image: now.jpg]

- Although, i hope you don't think you have it that easy, there is always a chance you will fail, and your weapon will go back to NQ.

[Image: ahuhfier.jpg]

[Image: therewego.jpg]

- And of course if you don't have either the weapon or mysterious Liquid for that synth, it will let you know :].

[Image: notneed.jpg]

- There are 10 classes in SkyQuest.
Every class will have a special ability every 60 seconds. ex) A Thief can Steal.

# 1 Paladin
[Image: Paladin_Side.jpg]
A Paladin is geared towards "Tanking" and uses a Sword.
(Able to heal others, and self.) 100%

# 2 Warrior
[Image: SQWarrior.jpg]
A Warrior is geared towards "Heavy Damage" with high Skill damage, and uses an Axe.
(Able to -----.)

# 3 Dragoon
[Image: SQDragoon.jpg]
A Dragoon is geared towards "Heavy Damage" with high Skill damage, and uses a Lance.
(Able to -----.)

# 4 Samurai
[Image: Samurai_SQ.jpg]
A Samurai is geared towards "Heavy Damage" with high Skill damage, and uses a Great Katana.
(Able to -----.)

# 5 Ninja
[Image: SQNinja.jpg]
A Ninja is geared towards "Fast Damage" with high DPS, but low Skill damage, uses a Katana.
(Able to use magic from the "East".)

# 6 Thief
[Image: SQThief.jpg]
A Ninja is geared towards "Fast Damage" with high DPS, but low Skill damage, uses a Dagger.
(Able to steal from enemies.) 100%

# 7 Sniper
[Image: SQSniper.jpg]
A Sniper is geared towards long range damage, with lower DPS, but high Skill damage, uses a Gun.
(Able to -----.)

# 8 Scout
[Image: SQScout.jpg]
A Scout is geared towards long range damage, with higher DPS, but low Skill damage, uses a Bow.
(Able to -----.)

# 9 White Mage
[Image: SQWhiteMage.jpg]
A White Mage is a caster, who uses mostly restoration magic, allows a party to stay alive and keep fighting, uses a Staff.
(Able to -----.)

# 10 Black Mage
[Image: SQBlackMage.jpg]
A Black Mage is a caster, who uses mostly destructive magic, the high damage magic rivals the heaviest DD's, uses a Staff.
(Able to -----.)

- They say a picture is worth a thousand words.. so heres a few..
- You begin on a small island in the West named "Juno" here you must stay until you reach level 20, and gain the use of a boating permit. Once you have obtained the boating permit the "whole world is your oyster".

A quick shot of Juno -
[Image: JunoMap-1.jpg]

Some closeups of parts of Juno -

Just outside the Inn -
[Image: 2-6.jpg]

Inside the Weapon Shop -
(I think it's so cool you can see yourself in the windows. *customized* "aka made the whole inside black".)
[Image: 574278827.jpg]

Second floor of Juno Mines -
[Image: mines.jpg]

Outside the Spell Shop -
[Image: 3-4.jpg]

Juno Inlet -
[Image: 1-11.jpg]

Juno's Fishing Guild -
[Image: 1-8.jpg]


- Here are some random shots of Aucks and the rest of the world.

Few shots of Ullr's Mt. -
[Image: mt3.jpg]

[Image: mt2.jpg]

[Image: mt.jpg]

The Castle's Grand Hall -
[Image: grandhall.jpg]

Outside of the Church -
[Image: church.jpg]

Inside the Armor Shop -
[Image: armstore.jpg]

Sewers -
[Image: Sewers.jpg]

City Walls -
[Image: wall.jpg]

[Image: 4k.jpg]

Random Forest/Dirt Roads -
[Image: 12-1.jpg]

[Image: 13-1.jpg]

Oasis Camp -
[Image: Oasiscamp.jpg]

Outside Sajashi Mines -
[Image: saja1.jpg]

Inside Sajashi -
[Image: saja3.jpg]

[Image: saja2.jpg]

[Image: 1-6.jpg]

[Image: 2-3.jpg]

[Image: 3-2.jpg]

[Image: 4-1.jpg]

[Image: 5-1.jpg]

[Image: b98b4070.jpg]

[Image: concept.jpg]

Stealing is 95% implemented, Only a Thief can steal, it costs SP and can only be used every 60 seconds. There is a chance to fail when stealing, and every monster has a different item to steal. Many monsters have multiple items to steal, more commonly gold + an item. The amount of gold that a monster has is dependent on its level, and a little bit of luck.
ex - A lvl 1 monster has a chance of giving you 1-10 gold on a steal.. whereas a lvl 2 monster would have 5-15 gold available for stealing. Also if you a stealing from example a Bee (lv1) you can either steal 1 or 2 bee wings :]

[Image: stealingg.jpg]

Thanks for taking a peek into the development of SkyQuest. :]
Credit : Vaughands, for his fishing script and any others of his i used.
Unknown, his various scripts also.
Mattyw, his various scripts.
WOW...a lot of shit! Very nice.
What, none of my XW scripts? =-p

Knew you'd switch eventually, or want to. Looking good still. =-p
GIAKEN Wrote:WOW...a lot of shit! Very nice.

Hey thanks, the only thing is, Brady has basically stopped all work on XW... and the engine is limiting my game.. I'm in the market for a programmer to work with MS so I can get SQ onto a better engine.
Mattyw Wrote:What, none of my XW scripts? =-p

Knew you'd switch eventually, or want to. Looking good still. =-p

I honestly probably do have some of your scripts, I'll edit it to give credit now... Know any Scripters looking for a good game to help out on? XD (Maybe you? ^_^)
Afide Wrote:
Mattyw Wrote:What, none of my XW scripts? =-p

Knew you'd switch eventually, or want to. Looking good still. =-p

I honestly probably do have some of your scripts, I'll edit it to give credit now... Know any Scripters looking for a good game to help out on? XD (Maybe you? ^_^)

Still getting used to MS. Was only an XW Wiz, not that far on MS yet. =-p

Plus most scripters round here charge.
Mattyw Wrote:Still getting used to MS. Was only an XW Wiz, not that far on MS yet. =-p

Plus most scripters round here charge.

Yah that sucks, I'm actually trying to get in touch with a guy I know who graduated from college with a major in computer science... to see if he will work with MS for me on his spare time.
Game looks cool Big Grin You have so much done, I wouldn't bother transferring it to a new engine. Keep it running on XW, learn to program yourself, and start a second project.

And mattyw, there are no scripters here. This is a programming community. You're running with the big dogs now, get it right. Tongue
Sonire Wrote:Game looks cool Big Grin You have so much done, I wouldn't bother transferring it to a new engine. Keep it running on XW, learn to program yourself, and start a second project.

And mattyw, there are no scripters here. This is a programming community. You're running with the big dogs now, get it right. Tongue

great first i have to program now i have to run
I'm British! I get Scripting/Programming mixed up at times. =-p

I mean, look at Robin. *cough* Heh.

Scripting < Programming.

But I'm sure it wouldn't take long for Afide to get back to where he is, using MS, even further. =-p
Sonire Wrote:Game looks cool Big Grin You have so much done, I wouldn't bother transferring it to a new engine. Keep it running on XW, learn to program yourself, and start a second project.

And mattyw, there are no scripters here. This is a programming community. You're running with the big dogs now, get it right. Tongue

I know I have tons done, but the thing is that XW is restricting the game so much, and due to the fact that there is going to be none (or very little) new development.... I really want to move to a different engine. The way I see it is, if I can just transfer the maps at the very least, the rest can be done with a little concentrated effort.

Xw doesn't even have -

A decent P2P trading system (visual)
A Crafting window
Hard Coded Skills like fishing. (i had to script it myself, which is very limitied)
The party system is flawed...
And not to mention... well... there are no skills?? (I have to make spells, and then script the whole skill etc for every single skill, which is still very limited.)
Plenty more... (what I wish is that he would make it open source, so that I could modify very little and make it happen.....)

- My coding/scripting/programming (what ever you want to call it) skill is pretty limited, and due to the fact that I'm in my senior year and frantically applying to colleges etc, i have very little time to learn :/

(Rock and a hard place apparently)

Mattyw Wrote:I'm British! I get Scripting/Programming mixed up at times. =-p

I mean, look at Robin. *cough* Heh.

Scripting < Programming.

But I'm sure it wouldn't take long for Afide to get back to where he is, using MS, even further. =-p

If I could get someone to work with me and develop a good engine, I think SkyQuest could surpass many of the bigger 2D MMO's of today... :]
Afide Wrote:
Sonire Wrote:Game looks cool Big Grin You have so much done, I wouldn't bother transferring it to a new engine. Keep it running on XW, learn to program yourself, and start a second project.

And mattyw, there are no scripters here. This is a programming community. You're running with the big dogs now, get it right. Tongue

I know I have tons done, but the thing is that XW is restricting the game so much, and due to the fact that there is going to be none (or very little) new development.... I really want to move to a different engine. The way I see it is, if I can just transfer the maps at the very least, the rest can be done with a little concentrated effort.

Xw doesn't even have -

A decent P2P trading system (visual)
A Crafting window
Hard Coded Skills like fishing. (i had to script it myself, which is very limitied)
The party system is flawed...
And not to mention... well... there are no skills?? (I have to make spells, and then script the whole skill etc for every single skill, which is still very limited.)
Plenty more... (what I wish is that he would make it open source, so that I could modify very little and make it happen.....)

- My coding/scripting/programming (what ever you want to call it) skill is pretty limited, and due to the fact that I'm in my senior year and frantically applying to colleges etc, i have very little time to learn :/

(Rock and a hard place apparently)

Mattyw Wrote:I'm British! I get Scripting/Programming mixed up at times. =-p

I mean, look at Robin. *cough* Heh.

Scripting < Programming.

But I'm sure it wouldn't take long for Afide to get back to where he is, using MS, even further. =-p

If I could get someone to work with me and develop a good engine, I think SkyQuest could surpass many of the bigger 2D MMO's of today... :]

I hate to say it, but if you're looking for an engine that has loads of features, don't go with MS4. If you're looking for a good basis for an engine to make a game, go with MS4. It has good code, and a good community, however most stuff you'll have to program yourself.
Nean Wrote:I hate to say it, but if you're looking for an engine that has loads of features, don't go with MS4. If you're looking for a good basis for an engine to make a game, go with MS4. It has good code, and a good community, however most stuff you'll have to program yourself.

That's exactly what I am looking for, the thing is though, that I am also looking for a partner in crime to work with MS4 and develop it into the engine I need... Whilst I finish up SkyQuest - Making it the game that it potentially could be, and should be.
Yes yes, glad you could come here
Lea Wrote:That's what everyone's looking for. I'm glad you came with a plan and something to show, instead of the average "omg I have idea need programmer PM for details"

Welcome to Mirage, good luck finding help!

I can promise you, I am far from one of those "noobs" who cry for help then abandon their project the next day. SkyQuest itself is a solo project which I have undertaken so far, for almost a year now. I am dedicated to the project, and I am sick of how the engine I use limits my vision, that's all. I am in the process of reaching out to every resource I possibly can to assure that SkyQuest becomes as successful as it possibly can be.

If you dare, you can look into the XtremeWorlds forums and see my activity, scripting ability, etc.

- SkyQuest topic on XW - ... t=skyquest
Updated World Map -

[Image: WorldMapFinal30-1.jpg]

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