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Lost Isle [Beta] - XtremeWorlds
[Image: lostislelogo.png]

Well, after 55 hours of dev, and lots of last minute rushing, I present you the Lost Isle Beta.
Note: I used XW because i was to lazy to program my own, and just wanted to dev a game, and see how well i could make it balanced.

Lost Isle used to be a popular tourist attraction, with lush forests, and beautiful country side. Then suddenly the people disappeared. No reason or cause, everyone simply disappeared. Satelite photos showed no activity, and the military quarantined the island. Now, a month after the insident, the military is sending in people to check it out. However, it seems prior reports are not correct...

Tanker - As the name implies, this class has high defence, medium strength, and low intelligence. Uses melee weapons.
Recon - This class is the opposite of the Tanker, having high strength, medium defence, and low intelligence. Uses ranged weapons.
Engineer - This class is more of a support class, having medium-low strength and defence, however having high intelligence. Uses "spells".

- Faction vs. Faction PvP
- Unique gameplay (gotta love how thats so generic)
- Join a faction to recieve new items, and a special ability, and a stat boost. (currently only one faction 8) )
- Max level 30
- Rebirth (to come)

When designing this game, I was going for good solid gameplay, with as little resources, dev time, and content as possible. So no, you won't be seeing hundreds of maps, in fact the max on the server is 60. However, I am striving to bring you great gameplay in those 60 maps. Although, you will notice a lot of features aren't completed yet, I was running out of time and my dead line was today. So they will be added in, in patches.

Combat Triangle
This game has a bit different combat triangle than the standard. So here it is.

/ Engineer \
/Tanker l Recon \

Let me explain, it's very similar to rock paper scissors.
Tanker beats Recon.
Recon beats Tanker.
Engineer is a support class (healing, and high slow damage).

In order to survive PvP, you'll need to use team work and a combination of these classes to succeed.

[Image: lostislepre2p.png]
[Image: 85720581.png]
[Image: 16927234.png]

And without further nonesense, Download:
Recon can't beat Tanker while Tanker beats Recon... someone has to win >.
[quote="Fox"]Recon can't beat Tanker while Tanker beats Recon... someone has to win >.
well it's more of saying that, a tanker can't easily beat a tanker.

so if you see a tanker a recon guy would be better suited to fight him rather than another tanker or an engineer
Pbcrazy Wrote:well it's more of saying that, a tanker can't easily beat a tanker.

so if you see a tanker a recon guy would be better suited to fight him rather than another tanker or an engineer

Two tankers is like watching two fat guys fight over a chicken wing. It's gonna take awhile before one goes down or gives up..
Matt Wrote:
Pbcrazy Wrote:well it's more of saying that, a tanker can't easily beat a tanker.

so if you see a tanker a recon guy would be better suited to fight him rather than another tanker or an engineer

Two tankers is like watching two black guys fight over a chicken wing. It's gonna take awhile before one goes down or gives up..

Why aren't maps and shit loaded up in a dynamic array?
the 4 people that know how are lazy
Who are those 4 people?
you, me, and 2 others?
black guys wouldn't every fight over a chicken wing. they'd fight over a corner or a hoe or something....

and stop getting off topic! goah!

Robin Wrote:
Matt Wrote:
Pbcrazy Wrote:well it's more of saying that, a tanker can't easily beat a tanker.

so if you see a tanker a recon guy would be better suited to fight him rather than another tanker or an engineer

Two tankers is like watching two black guys fight over a chicken wing. It's gonna take awhile before one goes down or gives up..


Not fixed. They would actually just buy another chicken wing or possibly a bucket, chill with some 40's and smash on the chicken wings.
Pbcrazy Wrote:black guys wouldn't every fight over a chicken wing. they'd fight over a corner or a hoe or something....

and stop getting off topic! goah!


Dem negros suuuure love their chickenz.
Why aren't maps and shit loaded up in a dynamic array?
the 4 people that know how are lazy
Who are those 4 people?
you, me, and 2 others?
hence, as matt said, they'd just go buy a bucket.
anybody test it at all? i'd really like to see what i can fix.
What would you guys say If a black person came in on the topic right now?
KruSuPhy Wrote:What would you guys say If a black person came in on the topic right now?

What are you talking about?

Matt already replied.

Pbcrazy Wrote:black guys wouldn't every fight over a chicken wing. they'd fight over a corner or a hoe or something....

and stop getting off topic! goah!


No, they don't cause there are prostitutes everywhere.

and yes they WOULD fight over a chicken wing.

FYI Black people love KFC.
That's as bad as saying white people hate asians.

Oh, hey Tony.
GIAKEN Wrote:That's as bad as saying white people hate asians.

Oh, hey Tony.
or that
asians eyes look like that cause of squinting for too long at the sun?
This thread is now about Pbcrazy's game.
doomteam1 Wrote:
GIAKEN Wrote:That's as bad as saying white people hate asians.

Oh, hey Tony.
or that
asians eyes look like that cause of squinting for too long at the sun?

I hope Lost Isle has mexicans named Guanalupey and Mariah working in the back of the asian restaurant,
if the game has any that is. On-topic.

Anyways, the GUI is.. weird. So much grass O_O, and the item, stats, equip buttons
would look much better with an pixel art there. Overall it's not bad though.
Tony Wrote:
doomteam1 Wrote:
GIAKEN Wrote:That's as bad as saying white people hate asians.

Oh, hey Tony.
or that
asians eyes look like that cause of squinting for too long at the sun?

I hope Lost Isle has mexicans working in the back of the asian restaurant.

uhh, tony thanks, i think... but yes i realize theres lots of grass... and i kind of ran out of time to get pixel art onto all the buttons in time to have it released on friday (can't be helped i like to have a deadline set).

and thank you rian for getting it back on topic..somewhat... :S

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