20-07-2008, 04:29 PM
Ok its all client, and its simple, just change ModSound to this,
And then search for ' Play Music and change it to,
Add this in sub InitDirectX
Add this to the bottom of ModDirectX
And last but not least add this in with your declares,
And if you have a preview button in the map editor add this to your buttons,
Public Sub StopMIDI()
On Error Resume Next
Preformance.Stop Segment, Nothing, 0, 0
End Sub
Public Sub PlaySound(Sound As String)
Call sndPlaySound(App.Path & "\" & Sound, SND_ASYNC Or SND_NOSTOP)
End Sub
Public Sub PlayMidi(filename As String)
On Error Resume Next
Set Segment = Loader.LoadSegment(filename)
If Err.Number DD_OK Then MsgBox "Error: Could not load MIDI file!", vbExclamation, "ERROR!"
Preformance.PlaySegment Segment, 0, 0
End Sub
And then search for ' Play Music and change it to,
' Play music
Call StopMIDI
If Map.Music > 0 Then
Call PlayMIDI(App.Path & "\Music\" & "music" & Trim(STR(Map.Music)) & ".mid")
End If
Exit Sub
End If
Add this in sub InitDirectX
Call InitializeMusic
Add this to the bottom of ModDirectX
Sub InitializeMusic()
Set Loader = DX.DirectMusicLoaderCreate
Set Preformance = DX.DirectMusicPerformanceCreate
Preformance.Init Nothing, frmMirage.hWnd
Preformance.SetPort -1, 1
Preformance.SetMasterAutoDownload True
If Err.Number DD_OK Then
End If
End Sub
And last but not least add this in with your declares,
' for playing music
Public Loader As DirectMusicLoader
Public Preformance As DirectMusicPerformance
Public Segment As DirectMusicSegment
And if you have a preview button in the map editor add this to your buttons,
PlayMIDI(App.Path & "\Music\" & "music" & scrlMusic.Value & ".mid")