04-06-2006, 11:34 PM
eh, its somewhat of a bugfix, but I already posted it in tutorials, so heres the link... http://www.ms.shannaracorp.com/forums/vi...c.php?t=23
What currently happens is the entire map is loaded to get the revision to see if the client has the right version or not, if it does, it loads the map again.
What I did was make it load the map, check if it has the right version, if it does, it makes savemap = to the map already loaded, so the map doesn't need to be loaded twice.
What currently happens is the entire map is loaded to get the revision to see if the client has the right version or not, if it does, it loads the map again.
What I did was make it load the map, check if it has the right version, if it does, it makes savemap = to the map already loaded, so the map doesn't need to be loaded twice.