Or you could learn to code this yourself. That's a really big tutorial you're asking for. Only one I know that has it is DM.
Ya, I remember someone telling me that there was an source or engine out there that had it, but it was really buggy. Im looking for an good one, it'd be very nice. And don't think of it as a request from me, im sure theres many who would like this.
Yes many would. Also what about elips from pingu on Elysium forums. Didn't that have Map Sharding?
ya that was the 1, but i was told it had alot of bugs and it was ashamed that he never finished it =\.
So im guessing it had bugs or it didnt work to its full potential.
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Well, it's seamless maps but without different physical maps.
It's like, one map which loads in fragments.
I don't see why you can't just do seamless maps.
Why aren't maps and shit loaded up in a dynamic array?
the 4 people that know how are lazy
Who are those 4 people?
you, me, and 2 others?
Its loading the tile from the server when ur about 5-tiles away or so... So its no lag on loading that whole map =D.
Mapsharding is actually quite long and can be difficult to implement if you don't understand what you're doing. Though yes there is another engine out there with map sharding, only problem is that it's buggier than Windows 98. It's called Elpis. I have it if you want a copy, just PM me and I'll return with a filehosted link for you to DL from.
.... or you can use the link below this post.