21-12-2007, 07:49 AM
I'm not sure if this has been posted yet but it seems to be a small bug with the vanilla MSE1.
Basically what happens is when more than one person is online, on the same map, and someone logs off or gets booted, the map stops processing npc movement.
So, server side, find this:
and change it to this:
In the first block of code, the server stops processing npc movement if there is only 1 person on the map. Obviously, we want to keep processing them for that 1 person. All I've done here is changed the = to a < so that if there is less than one person on the map it stops processing movement. Some people may have noticed this, however I couldn't find anything on it and this stumped me for about 5 minutes.
More info here: viewtopic.php?f=7&t=1867
Basically what happens is when more than one person is online, on the same map, and someone logs off or gets booted, the map stops processing npc movement.
So, server side, find this:
Sub LeftGame(ByVal Index As Long)
Dim n As Long
If Player(Index).InGame = True Then
Player(Index).InGame = False
' Check if player was the only player on the map and stop npc processing if so
If GetTotalMapPlayers(GetPlayerMap(Index)) = 1 Then
PlayersOnMap(GetPlayerMap(Index)) = NO
End If
and change it to this:
Sub LeftGame(ByVal Index As Long)
Dim n As Long
If Player(Index).InGame = True Then
Player(Index).InGame = False
' Check if player was the only player on the map and stop npc processing if so
If GetTotalMapPlayers(GetPlayerMap(Index)) < 1 Then
PlayersOnMap(GetPlayerMap(Index)) = NO
End If
In the first block of code, the server stops processing npc movement if there is only 1 person on the map. Obviously, we want to keep processing them for that 1 person. All I've done here is changed the = to a < so that if there is less than one person on the map it stops processing movement. Some people may have noticed this, however I couldn't find anything on it and this stumped me for about 5 minutes.
More info here: viewtopic.php?f=7&t=1867