24-05-2007, 03:35 AM
Difficulty: (I have no clue)
This is my own method of doing the following. I've checked and haven't found a tutorial already on this, so I'm posting my way, whether it is the most efficient or not. If the moderators of this community wish to remove this tutorial on the premises that there is already a better (or similiar) tutorial, I have no complaints.
Adding a player list and/or friend list
Control Requirements:
CommandButton Controls (2)
Listbox Controls (2)
Frame Control (1)
OptionButton Controls (2)
Label (1)
-Open up frmMirage and add the following controls:
CommandButton Controls (2)
Listbox Controls (2)
Frame Control (1)
-Any Name
OptionButton Controls (2)
Label (1)
-Open up frmMirage's code and add the following:
-Open up Constants.bas and add:
-Open up Types.bas and find Type PlayerRec
-At the end of this type, before closing it with End Type, add:
-Open up HandleData.bas and add:
-Then, at the bottom of the HandleData subroutine, add the following:
-Lastly, add this to nearly any module. I placed my in the GameLogic near the bottom:
-Open up Constants.bas and add:
-Open up Types.bas find Type PlayerRec and add within:
-Open up HandleData.bas and add within the HandleData subroutine
-Open up GameLogic.bas and find the JoinGame subroutine and add with the other sendblah subroutines:
-This can be placed in nearly any module, but I prefered adding it in the ServerTCP:
(This is only needed if you are still using .ini files to save account data. Binary methods will need to be deleted and remade, but no extra code is necessary)
-Open up Database.bas and find the SavePlayer subroutine. It doesn't matter where in here you add the following, but I placed it under the position putvars
-Still within Database.bas, find the LoadPlayer subroutine and add anywhere:
-Still within Database.bas, find the ClearPlayer subroutine and add anywhere:
I cut this out of my own server/client, so I may have forgotten something. If you get an error, please post it here.
This is my own method of doing the following. I've checked and haven't found a tutorial already on this, so I'm posting my way, whether it is the most efficient or not. If the moderators of this community wish to remove this tutorial on the premises that there is already a better (or similiar) tutorial, I have no complaints.
Adding a player list and/or friend list
Control Requirements:
CommandButton Controls (2)
Listbox Controls (2)
Frame Control (1)
OptionButton Controls (2)
Label (1)
-Open up frmMirage and add the following controls:
CommandButton Controls (2)
Listbox Controls (2)
Frame Control (1)
-Any Name
OptionButton Controls (2)
Label (1)
-Open up frmMirage's code and add the following:
Private Sub cmdAdd_Click()
If lstPlayers.ListIndex = -1 Then Exit Sub
Call SendData("ADDFRIEND" & SEP_CHAR & lstPlayers.List(lstPlayers.ListIndex) & SEP_CHAR & END_CHAR)
End Sub
Private Sub cmdRemove_Click()
If lstFriends.ListIndex = -1 Then Exit Sub
Call SendData("REMOVEFRIEND" & SEP_CHAR & lstFriends.List(lstFriends.ListIndex) & SEP_CHAR & END_CHAR)
End Sub
Private Sub optFriends_Click()
cmdAdd.Enabled = False
cmdRemove.Enabled = True
lstPlayers.Visible = False 'Only needed if you put one listbox ontop of the other
lstFriends.Visible = True 'Only needed if you put one listbox ontop of the other
End Sub
Private Sub optPlayers_Click()
cmdAdd.Enabled = True
cmdRemove.Enabled = False
lstPlayers.Visible = True 'Only needed if you put one listbox ontop of the other
lstFriends.Visible = False 'Only needed if you put one listbox ontop of the other
End Sub
-Open up Constants.bas and add:
'Constant for Player Friends
Public Const MAX_FRIENDS = 5
-Open up Types.bas and find Type PlayerRec
-At the end of this type, before closing it with End Type, add:
Friend(1 To MAX_FRIENDS) As String
-Open up HandleData.bas and add:
Dim p as Integer
' :::::::::::::::::::::::
' :: PlayerJoin packet :: -smchronos
' :::::::::::::::::::::::
If (LCase(Parse(0)) = "playerjoin") Then
frmMirage.lstPlayers.AddItem Parse(1)
If IsFriend(MyIndex, Parse(1)) Then
frmMirage.lstFriends.AddItem Parse(1)
End If
lblPNumber.Caption = CStr(CInt(lblPNumber.Caption) + 1)
Exit Sub
End If
' ::::::::::::::::::::::::
' :: PlayerLeave packet :: -smchronos
' ::::::::::::::::::::::::
If (LCase(Parse(0)) = "playerleave") Then
n = Parse(1)
frmMirage.lblPNumber.Caption = n
If n = "0" Then
Exit Sub
End If
For p = 2 To (n + 1)
frmMirage.lstPlayers.AddItem Parse(p)
If IsFriend(MyIndex, Parse(p)) Then
frmMirage.lstFriends.AddItem Parse(p)
End If
Next p
Exit Sub
End If
' :::::::::::::::::::::::
' :: PlayerList packet :: -smchronos
' :::::::::::::::::::::::
If (LCase(Parse(0)) = "plist") Then
n = Parse(1)
frmMirage.lblPNumber.Caption = n
If n = "0" Then
Exit Sub
End If
For p = 2 To (n + 1)
frmMirage.lstPlayers.AddItem Parse(p)
If IsFriend(MyIndex, Parse(p)) Then
frmMirage.lstFriends.AddItem Parse(p)
End If
Next p
Exit Sub
End If
' ::::::::::::::::::::
' :: Friend packets :: -smchronos
' ::::::::::::::::::::
If (LCase(Parse(0)) = "addfriend") Then
frmMirage.lstFriends.AddItem Parse(1)
End If
If (LCase(Parse(0)) = "remfriend") Then
For p = 0 To frmMirage.lstFriends.ListCount
If frmMirage.lstFriends.List(p) = Parse(1) Then
frmMirage.lstFriends.RemoveItem (p)
Exit Sub
End If
Next p
End If
' :::::::::::::::::::::::::
' :: Friends Load packet ::
' :::::::::::::::::::::::::
If LCase(Parse(0)) = "playerfriends" Then
For n = 1 To MAX_FRIENDS
Player(MyIndex).Friend(n) = Parse(n)
Next n
Exit Sub
End If
-Lastly, add this to nearly any module. I placed my in the GameLogic near the bottom:
Function IsFriend(ByVal Index As Long, ByVal Name As String) As Boolean
Dim n As Integer
IsFriend = False
For n = 1 To MAX_FRIENDS
If Player(Index).Friend(n) = Name Then
IsFriend = True
Exit Function
End If
Next n
End Function
-Open up Constants.bas and add:
'Constant for Player Friends
Public Const MAX_FRIENDS = 5
-Open up Types.bas find Type PlayerRec and add within:
Friend(1 To MAX_FRIENDS) As String
-Open up HandleData.bas and add within the HandleData subroutine
' ::::::::::::::::::::::::::
' :: Remove Friend packet ::
' ::::::::::::::::::::::::::
If LCase(Parse(0)) = "removefriend" Then
For n = 1 To MAX_FRIENDS
If Player(Index).Char(Player(Index).CharNum).Friend(n) = Parse(1) Then
Player(Index).Char(Player(Index).CharNum).Friend(n) = ""
Packet = "REMFRIEND" & SEP_CHAR & Parse(1) & SEP_CHAR & END_CHAR
Call SendDataToAll(Packet)
Exit Sub
End If
Next n
End If
' :::::::::::::::::::::::
' :: Add Friend packet ::
' :::::::::::::::::::::::
If LCase(Parse(0)) = "addfriend" Then
For n = 1 To MAX_FRIENDS
If Player(Index).Char(Player(Index).CharNum).Friend(n) = "" Then
Player(Index).Char(Player(Index).CharNum).Friend(n) = Parse(1)
Packet = "ADDFRIEND" & SEP_CHAR & Parse(1) & SEP_CHAR & END_CHAR
Call SendDataToAll(Packet)
Exit Sub
ElseIf n = MAX_FRIENDS Then
Call PlayerMsg(Index, "Too many friends!", Red)
Exit Sub
End If
Next n
End If
-Open up GameLogic.bas and find the JoinGame subroutine and add with the other sendblah subroutines:
Call SendFriends(Index)
-This can be placed in nearly any module, but I prefered adding it in the ServerTCP:
Sub SendFriends(ByVal Index As Long)
Dim Packet As String
Dim n As Integer
For n = 1 To MAX_FRIENDS
Packet = Packet & Player(Index).Char(Player(Index).CharNum).Friend(n) & SEP_CHAR
Next n
Packet = Packet & END_CHAR
Call SendDataTo(Index, Packet)
End Sub
(This is only needed if you are still using .ini files to save account data. Binary methods will need to be deleted and remade, but no extra code is necessary)
-Open up Database.bas and find the SavePlayer subroutine. It doesn't matter where in here you add the following, but I placed it under the position putvars
'Set Friends
For n = 1 To MAX_FRIENDS
Call PutVar(FileName, "CHAR" & i, "Friend" & n, Player(Index).Char(i).Friend(n))
Next n
'Get Friends
For n = 1 To MAX_FRIENDS
Player(Index).Char(i).Friend(n) = GetVar(FileName, "CHAR" & i, "Friend" & n)
Next n
-Still within Database.bas, find the ClearPlayer subroutine and add anywhere:
For n = 1 To MAX_FRIENDS
Player(Index).Char(i).Friend(n) = ""
Next n
I cut this out of my own server/client, so I may have forgotten something. If you get an error, please post it here.