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James Wrote:I'm James. I'm the artist formerly known as Magnus. I own Playerworlds and run Online Game Core along with my sexy friend Lizzy, my love buddy Toast, and introducing Punika, my boss panda.

I've been around MS in some form since it's start, or shortly thereafter. I miss the old guys like Spoon. Sad


Isn't it exciting introducing ourselves to people who already know us?

inb4 "WHO ARE YOU!?"
James Wrote:I own Playerworlds
I'll have to correct you there. A nice guy named Kael made an engine called PW. You were mod but you were laughed at because you look like a bag of horse shit. Kael had other things to do so he went in-active. You rushed to register the name PW, downloaded Mirage, tried to copy Kael's work, and call it your own work. In what world are you an artist? I'm sure you have all legal rights to PW, but you stole someone else's ideas and name and claimed it as your own. You make me puke.
Joost Wrote:
James Wrote:I own Playerworlds
I'll have to correct you there. A nice guy named Kael made an engine called PW. You were mod but you were laughed at because you look like a bag of horse shit. Kael had other things to do so he went in-active. You rushed to register the name PW, downloaded Mirage, tried to copy Kael's work, and call it your own work. In what world are you an artist? I'm sure you have all legal rights to PW, but you stole someone else's ideas and name and claimed it as your own. You make me puke.

Hahahahaha forreal.
Joost Wrote:
James Wrote:I own Playerworlds
I'll have to correct you there. A nice guy named Kael made an engine called PW. You were mod but you were laughed at because you look like a bag of horse shit. Kael had other things to do so he went in-active. You rushed to register the name PW, downloaded Mirage, tried to copy Kael's work, and call it your own work. In what world are you an artist? I'm sure you have all legal rights to PW, but you stole someone else's ideas and name and claimed it as your own. You make me puke.

That's pretty much how everything Mirage-related works.
Why aren't maps and shit loaded up in a dynamic array?
the 4 people that know how are lazy
Who are those 4 people?
you, me, and 2 others?

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