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MS4 Dx8 Convert
Report any bugs here and I'll do my best to fix them.

Check out the Introduction and 2D tutorials here: to learn Dx8, and then if you'd like to render things in a nicer way head over here: there's also a nice bit on texture smoothing which is an effect some of you may want to use.


Older Version:

-All Texture (Image) files must be a power of two e.g. Tiles0 is 256 by 1024 i.e (2^8) by (2^10)
-To change the amount of tiles,items etc loaded edit MAX_TYPE _TEXTURES
-All text rendering now uses Dx8 DrawText method
-Haven't coded the map tile preview in the map editor yet (but it's not exactly important..)
-Sound still uses Dx7 will convert later
-PicScreen now called PicMain
-Still gotta edit CheckSprites/Spells Subs but nothing major

EDIT: Also I get a nice FPS increase (from 300 to 730).
I need to install DX8, then I'll take a look!
very very very nice
Jacob fixed the text rendering problem I had, if you want the fix just go to Public Sub DrawPlayerName and delete all of the PlayerNameRect, replacing it with this:

If TextX < 0 Then TextX = 0
        If TextY < 0 Then TextY = 0
            PlayerNameRect.Top = TextY
            PlayerNameRect.Left = TextX
            PlayerNameRect.Right = TextX + (Len(GetPlayerName(Index)) * 8) + 15
            PlayerNameRect.bottom = TextY + 15
Very nice ^^
I'm gonna take a look at my source and see if I can help with something else. I've already converted my source to DX8, but it's still a little bit buggy on some computers.
Very nice ^^
Set dx = New DirectX8
vegasoft Wrote:error
Set dx = New DirectX8

Thank god we're so awesome, we can predict the error that happened, just by the line you posted.

No seriously, what error was it?
I think you didn't add the reference to the dx8 dll.
vegasoft Wrote:error
Set dx = New DirectX8
You need to install DirectX, google it. Also, I think you can install a version newer than 8 and it should still work.

Just a note, I've been working on it a bit, I'll probably post an update at some point.
I lub you, Harry
Im getting a little problem with the ground layer, it keeps showing a grid even when im not on the mapeditor.
Jared Wrote:Im getting a little problem with the ground layer, it keeps showing a grid even when im not on the mapeditor.
That's weird, take a pic for me?

I've added loc code, fixed text bug (thanks to Jacob) and cleaned up a few bits including text rendering.

I've started back on WoW so there's a good chance I won't update it for a bit, I'm not sure it needs it though since (on my pc anyway) it works pretty well.
Interesting to see someone actually got this done and out for once. DX8 can be really nice if done right and real nasty if not. Hopefully you can get it nicely optimized and such so that it runs like a beaut. Oscar had a real nice system working, I'll see if I can find it and offer any advice when I get home from work today.
grimsk8ter11 Wrote:Interesting to see someone actually got this done and out for once. DX8 can be really nice if done right and real nasty if not. Hopefully you can get it nicely optimized and such so that it runs like a beaut. Oscar had a real nice system working, I'll see if I can find it and offer any advice when I get home from work today.
If you mean the Mirage edit that you two worked on, he sent me a copy of it a few days ago and I'm gonna take a look at it at some point. He also explained to me how I can optimize it, which I'm going to (eventually) get round to do doing.
It may be that, I haven't looked at anything game related in a while, let alone VB6 or Mirage. I'll catch up with Oscar soon hopefully, I just started using MSN again.

The engine I am speaking of had Tibia style Z-levels and such, so if that's what you have, then it is it.
grimsk8ter11 Wrote:It may be that, I haven't looked at anything game related in a while, let alone VB6 or Mirage. I'll catch up with Oscar soon hopefully, I just started using MSN again.

The engine I am speaking of had Tibia style Z-levels and such, so if that's what you have, then it is it.
I'll check at some point, it does have some cool classes for DX8 buttons/boxes and a particle engine which I may look into adding to this source.
That may be an earlier version that we used then, I did a lot of work after I lost touch with Oscar, and most of the MSN world.

We removed all forms from MS if I remember correctly - all forms buttons and dialogs were generated through DirectX.
Wow, i remember trying to do this when 3.0.3 was around. Its nice to see some one actually did this
Why aren't maps and shit loaded up in a dynamic array?
the 4 people that know how are lazy
Who are those 4 people?
you, me, and 2 others?
Did filedropper stop hosting this file or something?
yeah, all i get is the generic "upload a file" page for the new source. no file for me?
I believe you have to be logged in to be able to download, but here ya go. ... 3_fileid=5
wow, didn't even know you made a mirror on mirage.
re up?
links down
It's on the actual MS site. Try reading please.
can someone fix the link Soucer DX8 mirage? Plis

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