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People are leaving me angry voicemails and calls...
Alright, this morning about 8:30AM my cell started to buzz. I didn't recognize the number so I just ignored it. A few minutes after that I got a very annoyed voicemail from the same guy asking "Where are you, we where suppose to be meeting in the park at 9am and it's 10 till. Gimmy a call man." And then maybe 5 minutes after the voicemail the guy calls yet again. This time I answer. He has a very heavy New York accent which is quite hard to understand over the phone. He kept asking where I was and if this was [insert my number here]. Then he asked if I "lived in Ohio", I said no. A long pause and then I said "I don't know what you're talking about." The guy on the other end said something like "Yeah, alright what ever." and then hung up. Tonight around 7pm and 9pm there were two more calls. One from the same number as before and a new number... The new number also left a voicemail so I listened to that. Some guy who was calling me Larry (My name is not Larry) wanted to know if I "still wanted these vending machines and to give him a call on how to transport them."

So I used the powers of the internet and found that the first number was coming from Piscataway, NJ and the second was from Manhattan, NY. And indeed the one form New York had a contact number about selling 30 candy machines for eight grand.

So I'm not sure if the guy in Piscataway was trying to meet the guy in Manhattan or what, but they are about 30 minutes away from each other.

Long story short, I'm going to leave my phone off for a few days.
Hahaha wow...
Dude, why does this never happen to me ? XD A lot of people I know are 'victims' of prank calls and stuff and not me! ^^
Anyway before checking what were the machines the guy was talking about, you could have asked yourself if it was rifles or stuff. Involved in an illegal organization.
Quote:The new number also left a voicemail so I listened to that. Some guy who was calling me Larry (My name is not Larry) wanted to know if I "still wanted these vending machines and to give him a call on how to transport them."

i lmaoed
If it was Rifles i'd buy them, Nothing like having an infinite supply of Guns.

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