12-03-2009, 12:54 AM
![[Image: fcbann12.png]](http://i86.servimg.com/u/f86/13/66/67/33/fcbann12.png)
Old Screenshot
The new version has a new, much better, map
![[Image: screenshotzwn.png]](http://img24.imageshack.us/img24/8751/screenshotzwn.png)
The new Firecaster is open for beta. This game is unlike most rpgs you play in that it actually takes skill to play. Use spells to defeat your opponents or just blast them away with fireballs.
Current spells:
Warp- Warps you to a location. Useful to surprise attacks and getting out of trouble. Cooldown: about 6.6 seconds
Big Fireball- A bigger version of your basic attack. Does 30 damage. Cooldown: about 3.3 seconds.
Laser- This spell shoots out a fast laser which also bounces off of walls! Does 10 damage. Cooldown: about 2.5 seconds.
I believe that the game is hack free, but I encourage anyone to try to hack it (just contact me before doing anything major)
Note: The movement in the game is a bit jittery, but still playable! The movement has been fixed! There are no rpg elements in the game yet, but they are coming soon. The game does play well as just a deathmatch though.
I have not made the credits list yet. If your name should be in the credits but isnt, please don't be angry!
You can download the game at [url="http://www.firecaster.com"]http://www.firecaster.com[/url]. The link is on the first page.