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Weather System
I used TextAdd ,, which Is a Sub ,, Broadcast ,, Global ,, PLayer ,, all giving the same error ~,~, I commented out the text bit and now I ahve an rror In that Direct x Moc ,, as stated in my previous post.

EDIT: I am prety sure it has to do with the .bltfast piece ,, when I replace it for .blt I don't get that error ,, but then my + sign gives an error I'll post it later.
If you havn't done much to ur source, suggest starting over cuz thats weird xD. btw anyone have any snow i can use :\
Yeey finally fixed it ,, I made some typos when I was loading the gfx file to the surface. I don't have any errors now Tongue but it won't blit my snow properly -_- when i have 1 big white square as snow file it blits it ,, but when I have a paint spray as snow it won't blit it -_- ooh well ,, have something to think about again *sigh*
I think you are using the wrong size of the snow image. It has an specific size but you can change it if you want. Just look at the source!
The snow has to be a 32x32 tile (unless you change the code) and must have the mask colour (default black) as the background.
Why aren't maps and shit loaded up in a dynamic array?
the 4 people that know how are lazy
Who are those 4 people?
you, me, and 2 others?
My file IS 32*32 and the background is (RGB, 0, 0, 0) And I havem't changed the code
Fixing the snow link as we speak.

Sorry guys. =]
Matt obliged.
has managed to correct some errors and that 100% congratulations!

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