22-08-2007, 09:12 AM
I tried my best to get the coding finished before we left for holiday, but alas time is against me once again!
Just droppped in before we leave to climb a mountain (Snowdon) and thought I'd leave you all with a little teaser of how it's coming along.
GUI Editor progress
Back in 5 days time, laters
Update: 02/09/07
Just droppped in before we leave to climb a mountain (Snowdon) and thought I'd leave you all with a little teaser of how it's coming along.
GUI Editor progress
Back in 5 days time, laters
Update: 02/09/07
Private Type DesignSelectRec
Background As Byte
Control As Byte
Data1 As Integer
Data2 As Integer
Data3 As Integer
Data4 As Integer
Data5 As Integer
End Type
Private Selection As DesignSelectRec
Private Selected As Boolean
Private Changed As Boolean
Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim i As Long
Me.ScaleMode = 3
Call ResetSelection
For i = 0 To 7
shpDesignSelect(i).Visible = False
Next i
cmdDesignNext.Enabled = False
cmdDesignPrevious.Enabled = False
cmdDesignPreview.Enabled = False
cmdDesignApply.Enabled = False
Changed = False
End Sub
Private Sub Form_DragDrop(Source As Control, x As Single, y As Single)
If Selected = False Then
Source.Move x - MouseXOffset, y - MouseYOffset
Source.Visible = True
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Form_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single)
If Button = 2 Then
Call ResetChanges
Call ResetSelection
End If
End Sub
' *******************
' ** Design Editor **
' *******************
Private Sub picDesignEditor_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single)
If Button = 2 Then
Call ResetChanges
Call ResetSelection
If optDesignOption(1).Value = True Then
MouseXOffset = x
MouseYOffset = y
picDesignEditor.Drag vbBeginDrag
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub cmdDesignNext_Click()
If Selection.Control = 0 Then
If Selection.Background > 0 Then
picDesignBackground(Selection.Background).Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & DESIGN_PATH & Selection.Background & "\" & (lblDesignPicNum.Caption + 1) & GFX_EXT)
lblDesignPicNum.Caption = (lblDesignPicNum.Caption + 1)
Selection.Data5 = Val(lblDesignPicNum.Caption)
If FileExist(DESIGN_PATH & Selection.Background & "\" & (lblDesignPicNum.Caption + 1) & GFX_EXT, False) Then
cmdDesignNext.Enabled = True
cmdDesignNext.Enabled = False
End If
If FileExist(DESIGN_PATH & Selection.Background & "\" & (lblDesignPicNum.Caption - 1) & GFX_EXT, False) Or (lblDesignPicNum.Caption - 1 = 0) Then
cmdDesignPrevious.Enabled = True
cmdDesignPrevious.Enabled = False
End If
Changed = True
cmdDesignApply.Enabled = True
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub cmdDesignPrevious_Click()
If Selection.Control = 0 Then
If (lblDesignPicNum.Caption - 1) > 0 Then
picDesignBackground(Selection.Background).Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & DESIGN_PATH & Selection.Background & "\" & (lblDesignPicNum.Caption - 1) & GFX_EXT)
picDesignBackground(Selection.Background).Picture = LoadPicture()
End If
lblDesignPicNum.Caption = (lblDesignPicNum.Caption - 1)
Selection.Data5 = Val(lblDesignPicNum.Caption)
If FileExist(DESIGN_PATH & Selection.Background & "\" & (lblDesignPicNum.Caption + 1) & GFX_EXT, False) Then
cmdDesignNext.Enabled = True
cmdDesignNext.Enabled = False
End If
If FileExist(DESIGN_PATH & Selection.Background & "\" & (lblDesignPicNum.Caption - 1) & GFX_EXT, False) Then
cmdDesignPrevious.Enabled = True
cmdDesignPrevious.Enabled = False
End If
Changed = True
cmdDesignApply.Enabled = True
End If
End Sub
Private Sub cmdDesignPreview_Click()
Dim n As Long
If Selected = True And Changed = True Then
' Change selection values
Selection.Data3 = Int(Val(txtDesignHeight.Text))
Selection.Data4 = Int(Val(txtDesignWidth.Text))
If Selection.Control = 0 And Selection.Background > 0 Then
' Show preview
picDesignBackground(Selection.Background).Height = Selection.Data3
picDesignBackground(Selection.Background).Width = Selection.Data4
Call UpdateBackgroundSelection(Selection.Background)
n = Selection.Control
Select Case Selection.Background
Case 1
lblDesignMenu(n).Height = Selection.Data3
lblDesignMenu(n).Width = Selection.Data4
Call UpdateControlSelection(n, Selection.Background)
Case 2
lblDesignLogin(n).Height = Selection.Data3
lblDesignLogin(n).Width = Selection.Data4
Call UpdateControlSelection(n, Selection.Background)
Case 3
lblDesignNewAcc(n).Height = Selection.Data3
lblDesignNewAcc(n).Width = Selection.Data4
Call UpdateControlSelection(n, Selection.Background)
Case 4
lblDesignDelAcc(n).Height = Selection.Data3
lblDesignDelAcc(n).Width = Selection.Data4
Call UpdateControlSelection(n, Selection.Background)
Case 5
lblDesignCredits(n).Height = Selection.Data3
lblDesignCredits(n).Width = Selection.Data4
Call UpdateControlSelection(n, Selection.Background)
Case 6
lblDesignChars(n).Height = Selection.Data3
lblDesignChars(n).Width = Selection.Data4
Call UpdateControlSelection(n, Selection.Background)
Case 7
lblDesignNewChar(n).Height = Selection.Data3
lblDesignNewChar(n).Width = Selection.Data4
Call UpdateControlSelection(n, Selection.Background)
End Select
End If
cmdDesignPreview.Enabled = False
cmdDesignApply.Enabled = True
End If
End Sub
Private Sub cmdDesignApply_Click()
Dim i As Long
Dim n As Long
If Selected = True And Changed = True Then
i = Selection.Background
n = Selection.Control
If Selection.Control = 0 And Selection.Background > 0 Then
'Apply changes to background
GUI(EditorIndex).Background(i).Data1 = Selection.Data1
GUI(EditorIndex).Background(i).Data2 = Selection.Data2
GUI(EditorIndex).Background(i).Data3 = Selection.Data3
GUI(EditorIndex).Background(i).Data4 = Selection.Data4
GUI(EditorIndex).Background(i).Data5 = Selection.Data5
Select Case Selection.Background
Case 1
GUI(EditorIndex).Menu(n).Data1 = Selection.Data1
GUI(EditorIndex).Menu(n).Data2 = Selection.Data2
GUI(EditorIndex).Menu(n).Data3 = Selection.Data3
GUI(EditorIndex).Menu(n).Data4 = Selection.Data4
Case 2
GUI(EditorIndex).Login(n).Data1 = Selection.Data1
GUI(EditorIndex).Login(n).Data2 = Selection.Data2
GUI(EditorIndex).Login(n).Data3 = Selection.Data3
GUI(EditorIndex).Login(n).Data4 = Selection.Data4
Case 3
GUI(EditorIndex).NewAcc(n).Data1 = Selection.Data1
GUI(EditorIndex).NewAcc(n).Data2 = Selection.Data2
GUI(EditorIndex).NewAcc(n).Data3 = Selection.Data3
GUI(EditorIndex).NewAcc(n).Data4 = Selection.Data4
Case 4
GUI(EditorIndex).DelAcc(n).Data1 = Selection.Data1
GUI(EditorIndex).DelAcc(n).Data2 = Selection.Data2
GUI(EditorIndex).DelAcc(n).Data3 = Selection.Data3
GUI(EditorIndex).DelAcc(n).Data4 = Selection.Data4
Case 5
GUI(EditorIndex).Credits(n).Data1 = Selection.Data1
GUI(EditorIndex).Credits(n).Data2 = Selection.Data2
GUI(EditorIndex).Credits(n).Data3 = Selection.Data3
GUI(EditorIndex).Credits(n).Data4 = Selection.Data4
Case 6
GUI(EditorIndex).Chars(n).Data1 = Selection.Data1
GUI(EditorIndex).Chars(n).Data2 = Selection.Data2
GUI(EditorIndex).Chars(n).Data3 = Selection.Data3
GUI(EditorIndex).Chars(n).Data4 = Selection.Data4
Case 7
GUI(EditorIndex).NewChar(n).Data1 = Selection.Data1
GUI(EditorIndex).NewChar(n).Data2 = Selection.Data2
GUI(EditorIndex).NewChar(n).Data3 = Selection.Data3
GUI(EditorIndex).NewChar(n).Data4 = Selection.Data4
End Select
End If
Changed = False
Call ResetSelection
End If
End Sub
Private Sub optDesignOption_MouseDown(Index As Integer, Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single)
Dim i As Long
If Index = 1 Then
For i = 1 To 5
lblDesignMenu(i).Visible = True
Next i
For i = 1 To 5
lblDesignMenu(i).Visible = False
Next i
End If
For i = 2 To 7
If Index = i Then
picDesignBackground(i).Visible = True
picDesignBackground(i).Visible = False
End If
Next i
End Sub
Private Sub txtDesignHeight_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
cmdDesignPreview.Enabled = True
Changed = True
If (KeyAscii = vbKeyReturn) Then Call cmdDesignPreview_Click
End Sub
Private Sub txtDesignWidth_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
cmdDesignPreview.Enabled = True
Changed = True
If (KeyAscii = vbKeyReturn) Then Call cmdDesignPreview_Click
End Sub
Private Sub cmdDesignSend_Click()
Call GUIEditorSend
End Sub
Private Sub cmdDesignCancel_Click()
Call GUIEditorCancel
End Sub
' **************************
' ** Selection processing **
' **************************
Private Sub ResetSelection()
Dim i As Long
If Selected = True And Changed = False Then
For i = 0 To 7
shpDesignSelect(i).Visible = False
Next i
Selection.Background = 0
Selection.Control = 0
Selection.Data1 = 0
Selection.Data2 = 0
Selection.Data3 = 0
Selection.Data4 = 0
Selection.Data5 = 0
fraDesignSelected.Visible = False
If txtDesignHeight.Enabled = False Then txtDesignHeight.Enabled = True
If txtDesignWidth.Enabled = False Then txtDesignWidth.Enabled = True
txtDesignHeight.Text = "0"
txtDesignWidth.Text = "0"
lblDesignPicNum.Caption = "0"
cmdDesignPrevious.Enabled = False
cmdDesignNext.Enabled = False
cmdDesignPreview.Enabled = False
Selected = False
End If
End Sub
Private Sub ResetChanges()
Dim i As Long
Dim n As Long
i = Selection.Background
n = Selection.Control
If Selected = True And Changed = True Then
If n = 0 And i > 0 Then
picDesignBackground(i).Left = GUI(EditorIndex).Background(i).Data1
picDesignBackground(i).Top = GUI(EditorIndex).Background(i).Data2
picDesignBackground(i).Height = GUI(EditorIndex).Background(i).Data3
picDesignBackground(i).Width = GUI(EditorIndex).Background(i).Data4
If GUI(EditorIndex).Background(i).Data5 > 0 Then
picDesignBackground(i).Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & DESIGN_PATH & i & "\" & GUI(EditorIndex).Background(i).Data5 & GFX_EXT)
picDesignBackground(i).Picture = LoadPicture()
End If
Select Case i
Case 1
lblDesignMenu(n).Left = GUI(EditorIndex).Menu(n).Data1
lblDesignMenu(n).Top = GUI(EditorIndex).Menu(n).Data2
lblDesignMenu(n).Height = GUI(EditorIndex).Menu(n).Data3
lblDesignMenu(n).Width = GUI(EditorIndex).Menu(n).Data4
Case 2
lblDesignLogin(n).Left = GUI(EditorIndex).Login(n).Data1
lblDesignLogin(n).Top = GUI(EditorIndex).Login(n).Data2
lblDesignLogin(n).Height = GUI(EditorIndex).Login(n).Data3
lblDesignLogin(n).Width = GUI(EditorIndex).Login(n).Data4
Case 3
lblDesignNewAcc(n).Left = GUI(EditorIndex).NewAcc(n).Data1
lblDesignNewAcc(n).Top = GUI(EditorIndex).NewAcc(n).Data2
lblDesignNewAcc(n).Height = GUI(EditorIndex).NewAcc(n).Data3
lblDesignNewAcc(n).Width = GUI(EditorIndex).NewAcc(n).Data4
Case 4
lblDesignDelAcc(n).Left = GUI(EditorIndex).DelAcc(n).Data1
lblDesignDelAcc(n).Top = GUI(EditorIndex).DelAcc(n).Data2
lblDesignDelAcc(n).Height = GUI(EditorIndex).DelAcc(n).Data3
lblDesignDelAcc(n).Width = GUI(EditorIndex).DelAcc(n).Data4
Case 5
lblDesignCredits(n).Left = GUI(EditorIndex).Credits(n).Data1
lblDesignCredits(n).Top = GUI(EditorIndex).Credits(n).Data2
lblDesignCredits(n).Height = GUI(EditorIndex).Credits(n).Data3
lblDesignCredits(n).Width = GUI(EditorIndex).Credits(n).Data4
Case 6
lblDesignChars(n).Left = GUI(EditorIndex).Chars(n).Data1
lblDesignChars(n).Top = GUI(EditorIndex).Chars(n).Data2
lblDesignChars(n).Height = GUI(EditorIndex).Chars(n).Data3
lblDesignChars(n).Width = GUI(EditorIndex).Chars(n).Data4
Case 7
lblDesignNewChar(n).Left = GUI(EditorIndex).NewChar(n).Data1
lblDesignNewChar(n).Top = GUI(EditorIndex).NewChar(n).Data2
lblDesignNewChar(n).Height = GUI(EditorIndex).NewChar(n).Data3
lblDesignNewChar(n).Width = GUI(EditorIndex).NewChar(n).Data4
End Select
End If
Changed = False
cmdDesignApply.Enabled = False
End If
End Sub
Private Sub UpdateBackgroundSelection(ByVal Background As Byte)
If Background > 0 Then
' Use a different selection highlight if main menu background selected
If Background = 1 Then
fraDesignSelected.Visible = True
shpDesignSelect(0).Width = picDesignBackground(Background).Width + 3
shpDesignSelect(0).Height = picDesignBackground(Background).Height + 3
shpDesignSelect(0).Top = picDesignBackground(Background).Top - 1
shpDesignSelect(0).Left = picDesignBackground(Background).Left - 1
shpDesignSelect(0).Visible = True
txtDesignHeight.Text = picDesignBackground(Background).Height
txtDesignWidth.Text = picDesignBackground(Background).Width
fraDesignSelected.Caption = "Menu Background"
lblDesignPicNum.Caption = STR(Selection.Data5)
If FileExist(DESIGN_PATH & Background & "\" & (lblDesignPicNum.Caption + 1) & GFX_EXT, False) Then
cmdDesignNext.Enabled = True
cmdDesignNext.Enabled = False
End If
If FileExist(DESIGN_PATH & Background & "\" & (lblDesignPicNum.Caption - 1) & GFX_EXT, False) Then
cmdDesignPrevious.Enabled = True
cmdDesignPrevious.Enabled = False
End If
fraDesignSelected.Visible = True
shpDesignSelect(1).Width = picDesignBackground(Background).Width + 3
shpDesignSelect(1).Height = picDesignBackground(Background).Height + 3
shpDesignSelect(1).Top = picDesignBackground(Background).Top - 1
shpDesignSelect(1).Left = picDesignBackground(Background).Left - 1
shpDesignSelect(1).Visible = True
txtDesignHeight.Text = picDesignBackground(Background).Height
txtDesignWidth.Text = picDesignBackground(Background).Width
Select Case Background
Case 2
fraDesignSelected.Caption = "Login Background"
Case 3
fraDesignSelected.Caption = "New Account Background"
Case 4
fraDesignSelected.Caption = "Delete Account Background"
Case 5
fraDesignSelected.Caption = "Credits Background"
Case 6
fraDesignSelected.Caption = "Select Character Background"
Case 7
fraDesignSelected.Caption = "New Character Background"
End Select
lblDesignPicNum.Caption = STR(Selection.Data5)
If FileExist(DESIGN_PATH & Background & "\" & (lblDesignPicNum.Caption + 1) & GFX_EXT, False) Then
cmdDesignNext.Enabled = True
cmdDesignNext.Enabled = False
End If
If FileExist(DESIGN_PATH & Background & "\" & (lblDesignPicNum.Caption - 1) & GFX_EXT, False) Then
cmdDesignPrevious.Enabled = True
cmdDesignPrevious.Enabled = False
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub UpdateControlSelection(ByVal Controll As Byte, ByVal Background As Byte)
fraDesignSelected.Visible = True
Select Case Background
Case 1
fraDesignSelected.Caption = "Menu Component"
shpDesignSelect(Background).Width = lblDesignMenu(Controll).Width + 3
shpDesignSelect(Background).Height = lblDesignMenu(Controll).Height + 3
shpDesignSelect(Background).Top = lblDesignMenu(Controll).Top - 1
shpDesignSelect(Background).Left = lblDesignMenu(Controll).Left - 1
shpDesignSelect(Background).Visible = True
txtDesignHeight.Text = lblDesignMenu(Controll).Height
txtDesignWidth.Text = lblDesignMenu(Controll).Width
Case 2
fraDesignSelected.Caption = "Login Component"
shpDesignSelect(Background).Width = lblDesignLogin(Controll).Width + 3
shpDesignSelect(Background).Height = lblDesignLogin(Controll).Height + 3
shpDesignSelect(Background).Top = lblDesignLogin(Controll).Top - 1
shpDesignSelect(Background).Left = lblDesignLogin(Controll).Left - 1
shpDesignSelect(Background).Visible = True
txtDesignHeight.Text = lblDesignLogin(Controll).Height
txtDesignWidth.Text = lblDesignLogin(Controll).Width
Case 3
fraDesignSelected.Caption = "New Account Component"
shpDesignSelect(Background).Width = lblDesignNewAcc(Controll).Width + 3
shpDesignSelect(Background).Height = lblDesignNewAcc(Controll).Height + 3
shpDesignSelect(Background).Top = lblDesignNewAcc(Controll).Top - 1
shpDesignSelect(Background).Left = lblDesignNewAcc(Controll).Left - 1
shpDesignSelect(Background).Visible = True
txtDesignHeight.Text = lblDesignNewAcc(Controll).Height
txtDesignWidth.Text = lblDesignNewAcc(Controll).Width
Case 4
fraDesignSelected.Caption = "Delete Account Component"
shpDesignSelect(Background).Width = lblDesignDelAcc(Controll).Width + 3
shpDesignSelect(Background).Height = lblDesignDelAcc(Controll).Height + 3
shpDesignSelect(Background).Top = lblDesignDelAcc(Controll).Top - 1
shpDesignSelect(Background).Left = lblDesignDelAcc(Controll).Left - 1
shpDesignSelect(Background).Visible = True
txtDesignHeight.Text = lblDesignDelAcc(Controll).Height
txtDesignWidth.Text = lblDesignDelAcc(Controll).Width
Case 5
fraDesignSelected.Caption = "Credits Component"
shpDesignSelect(Background).Width = lblDesignCredits(Controll).Width + 3
shpDesignSelect(Background).Height = lblDesignCredits(Controll).Height + 3
shpDesignSelect(Background).Top = lblDesignCredits(Controll).Top - 1
shpDesignSelect(Background).Left = lblDesignCredits(Controll).Left - 1
shpDesignSelect(Background).Visible = True
txtDesignHeight.Text = lblDesignCredits(Controll).Height
txtDesignWidth.Text = lblDesignCredits(Controll).Width
Case 6
fraDesignSelected.Caption = "Select Character Component"
shpDesignSelect(Background).Width = lblDesignChars(Controll).Width + 3
shpDesignSelect(Background).Height = lblDesignChars(Controll).Height + 3
shpDesignSelect(Background).Top = lblDesignChars(Controll).Top - 1
shpDesignSelect(Background).Left = lblDesignChars(Controll).Left - 1
shpDesignSelect(Background).Visible = True
txtDesignHeight.Text = lblDesignChars(Controll).Height
txtDesignWidth.Text = lblDesignChars(Controll).Width
Case 7
fraDesignSelected.Caption = "New Character Component"
shpDesignSelect(Background).Width = lblDesignNewChar(Controll).Width + 3
shpDesignSelect(Background).Height = lblDesignNewChar(Controll).Height + 3
shpDesignSelect(Background).Top = lblDesignNewChar(Controll).Top - 1
shpDesignSelect(Background).Left = lblDesignNewChar(Controll).Left - 1
shpDesignSelect(Background).Visible = True
txtDesignHeight.Text = lblDesignNewChar(Controll).Height
txtDesignWidth.Text = lblDesignNewChar(Controll).Width
End Select
End Sub
Private Sub picDesignBackground_MouseDown(Index As Integer, Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single)
If Button = 2 Then
If Changed = False Then
Call ResetSelection
Call ResetChanges
Call ResetSelection
End If
If Index = 1 And optDesignOption(1).Value = False Then Exit Sub
If Selected = False Then
Selection.Background = Index
Selection.Control = 0
Selection.Data1 = GUI(EditorIndex).Background(Index).Data1
Selection.Data2 = GUI(EditorIndex).Background(Index).Data2
Selection.Data3 = GUI(EditorIndex).Background(Index).Data3
Selection.Data4 = GUI(EditorIndex).Background(Index).Data4
Selection.Data5 = GUI(EditorIndex).Background(Index).Data5
Selected = True
Call UpdateBackgroundSelection(Selection.Background)
End If
If Index 1 And Selection.Control = 0 Then
MouseXOffset = x
MouseYOffset = y
picDesignBackground(Index).Drag vbBeginDrag
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub picDesignBackground_DragDrop(Index As Integer, Source As Control, x As Single, y As Single)
If Selection.Control = 0 Then
' Check if we're dropping the background onto itself
If Index > 1 Then
Source.Move x - MouseXOffset + Source.Left, y - MouseYOffset + Source.Top
Source.Move x - MouseXOffset, y - MouseYOffset
End If
shpDesignSelect(1).Top = Source.Top - 1
shpDesignSelect(1).Left = Source.Left - 1
Selection.Data1 = picDesignBackground(Selection.Background).Left
Selection.Data2 = picDesignBackground(Selection.Background).Top
' Check we're dropping the control on the right background
If Selection.Background Index Then Exit Sub
Source.Move x - MouseXOffset, y - MouseYOffset
shpDesignSelect(Selection.Background).Top = Source.Top - 1
shpDesignSelect(Selection.Background).Left = Source.Left - 1
Select Case Selection.Background
Case 1
Selection.Data1 = lblDesignMenu(Selection.Control).Left
Selection.Data2 = lblDesignMenu(Selection.Control).Top
Case 2
Selection.Data1 = lblDesignLogin(Selection.Control).Left
Selection.Data2 = lblDesignLogin(Selection.Control).Top
Case 3
Selection.Data1 = lblDesignNewAcc(Selection.Control).Left
Selection.Data2 = lblDesignNewAcc(Selection.Control).Top
Case 4
Selection.Data1 = lblDesignDelAcc(Selection.Control).Left
Selection.Data2 = lblDesignDelAcc(Selection.Control).Top
Case 5
Selection.Data1 = lblDesignCredits(Selection.Control).Left
Selection.Data2 = lblDesignCredits(Selection.Control).Top
Case 6
Selection.Data1 = lblDesignChars(Selection.Control).Left
Selection.Data2 = lblDesignChars(Selection.Control).Top
Case 7
Selection.Data1 = lblDesignNewChar(Selection.Control).Left
Selection.Data2 = lblDesignNewChar(Selection.Control).Top
End Select
End If
Source.Visible = True
cmdDesignApply.Enabled = True
Changed = True
End Sub
Private Sub lblDesignMenu_MouseDown(Index As Integer, Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single)
If Selected = False Then
Selection.Background = 1
Selection.Control = Index
Selection.Data1 = GUI(EditorIndex).Menu(Index).Data1
Selection.Data2 = GUI(EditorIndex).Menu(Index).Data2
Selection.Data3 = GUI(EditorIndex).Menu(Index).Data3
Selection.Data4 = GUI(EditorIndex).Menu(Index).Data4
Selection.Data5 = 0
Selected = True
Call UpdateControlSelection(Selection.Control, Selection.Background)
End If
If Selection.Control = Index Then
MouseXOffset = Int(x / 15)
MouseYOffset = Int(y / 15)
lblDesignMenu(Index).Drag vbBeginDrag
End If
End Sub
Private Sub lblDesignMenu_DragDrop(Index As Integer, Source As Control, x As Single, y As Single)
Source.Move Int(x / 15) - MouseXOffset + lblDesignMenu(Index).Left, Int(y / 15) - MouseYOffset + lblDesignMenu(Index).Top
shpDesignSelect(Selection.Background).Top = Source.Top - 1
shpDesignSelect(Selection.Background).Left = Source.Left - 1
Source.Visible = True
cmdDesignApply.Enabled = True
Changed = True
End Sub
Private Sub lblDesignLogin_MouseDown(Index As Integer, Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single)
If Selected = False Then
Selection.Background = 2
Selection.Control = Index
Selection.Data1 = GUI(EditorIndex).Login(Index).Data1
Selection.Data2 = GUI(EditorIndex).Login(Index).Data2
Selection.Data3 = GUI(EditorIndex).Login(Index).Data3
Selection.Data4 = GUI(EditorIndex).Login(Index).Data4
Selection.Data5 = 0
Selected = True
Call UpdateControlSelection(Selection.Control, Selection.Background)
End If
If Selection.Control = Index Then
MouseXOffset = Int(x / 15)
MouseYOffset = Int(y / 15)
lblDesignLogin(Index).Drag vbBeginDrag
End If
End Sub
Private Sub lblDesignLogin_DragDrop(Index As Integer, Source As Control, x As Single, y As Single)
If Selection.Control > 0 Then
Source.Move Int(x / 15) - MouseXOffset + lblDesignLogin(Index).Left, Int(y / 15) - MouseYOffset + lblDesignLogin(Index).Top
shpDesignSelect(Selection.Background).Top = Source.Top - 1
shpDesignSelect(Selection.Background).Left = Source.Left - 1
Source.Visible = True
cmdDesignApply.Enabled = True
Changed = True
End If
End Sub
Private Sub lblDesignNewAcc_MouseDown(Index As Integer, Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single)
If Selected = False Then
Selection.Background = 3
Selection.Control = Index
Selection.Data1 = GUI(EditorIndex).NewAcc(Index).Data1
Selection.Data2 = GUI(EditorIndex).NewAcc(Index).Data2
Selection.Data3 = GUI(EditorIndex).NewAcc(Index).Data3
Selection.Data4 = GUI(EditorIndex).NewAcc(Index).Data4
Selection.Data5 = 0
Selected = True
Call UpdateControlSelection(Selection.Control, Selection.Background)
End If
If Selection.Control = Index Then
MouseXOffset = Int(x / 15)
MouseYOffset = Int(y / 15)
lblDesignNewAcc(Index).Drag vbBeginDrag
End If
End Sub
Private Sub lblDesignNewAcc_DragDrop(Index As Integer, Source As Control, x As Single, y As Single)
If Selection.Control > 0 Then
Source.Move Int(x / 15) - MouseXOffset + lblDesignNewAcc(Index).Left, Int(y / 15) - MouseYOffset + lblDesignNewAcc(Index).Top
shpDesignSelect(Selection.Background).Top = Source.Top - 1
shpDesignSelect(Selection.Background).Left = Source.Left - 1
Source.Visible = True
cmdDesignApply.Enabled = True
Changed = True
End If
End Sub
Private Sub lblDesignDelAcc_MouseDown(Index As Integer, Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single)
If Selected = False Then
Selection.Background = 4
Selection.Control = Index
Selection.Data1 = GUI(EditorIndex).DelAcc(Index).Data1
Selection.Data2 = GUI(EditorIndex).DelAcc(Index).Data2
Selection.Data3 = GUI(EditorIndex).DelAcc(Index).Data3
Selection.Data4 = GUI(EditorIndex).DelAcc(Index).Data4
Selection.Data5 = 0
Selected = True
Call UpdateControlSelection(Selection.Control, Selection.Background)
End If
If Selection.Control = Index Then
MouseXOffset = Int(x / 15)
MouseYOffset = Int(y / 15)
lblDesignDelAcc(Index).Drag vbBeginDrag
End If
End Sub
Private Sub lblDesignDelAcc_DragDrop(Index As Integer, Source As Control, x As Single, y As Single)
If Selection.Control > 0 Then
Source.Move Int(x / 15) - MouseXOffset + lblDesignDelAcc(Index).Left, Int(y / 15) - MouseYOffset + lblDesignDelAcc(Index).Top
shpDesignSelect(Selection.Background).Top = Source.Top - 1
shpDesignSelect(Selection.Background).Left = Source.Left - 1
Source.Visible = True
cmdDesignApply.Enabled = True
Changed = True
End If
End Sub
Private Sub lblDesignCredits_MouseDown(Index As Integer, Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single)
If Selected = False Then
Selection.Background = 5
Selection.Control = Index
Selection.Data1 = GUI(EditorIndex).Credits(Index).Data1
Selection.Data2 = GUI(EditorIndex).Credits(Index).Data2
Selection.Data3 = GUI(EditorIndex).Credits(Index).Data3
Selection.Data4 = GUI(EditorIndex).Credits(Index).Data4
Selection.Data5 = 0
Selected = True
Call UpdateControlSelection(Selection.Control, Selection.Background)
End If
If Selection.Control = Index Then
MouseXOffset = Int(x / 15)
MouseYOffset = Int(y / 15)
lblDesignCredits(Index).Drag vbBeginDrag
End If
End Sub
Private Sub lblDesignCredits_DragDrop(Index As Integer, Source As Control, x As Single, y As Single)
If Selection.Control > 0 Then
Source.Move Int(x / 15) - MouseXOffset + lblDesignCredits(Index).Left, Int(y / 15) - MouseYOffset + lblDesignCredits(Index).Top
shpDesignSelect(Selection.Background).Top = Source.Top - 1
shpDesignSelect(Selection.Background).Left = Source.Left - 1
Source.Visible = True
cmdDesignApply.Enabled = True
Changed = True
End If
End Sub
Private Sub lblDesignChars_MouseDown(Index As Integer, Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single)
If Selected = False Then
Selection.Background = 6
Selection.Control = Index
Selection.Data1 = GUI(EditorIndex).Chars(Index).Data1
Selection.Data2 = GUI(EditorIndex).Chars(Index).Data2
Selection.Data3 = GUI(EditorIndex).Chars(Index).Data3
Selection.Data4 = GUI(EditorIndex).Chars(Index).Data4
Selection.Data5 = 0
Selected = True
Call UpdateControlSelection(Selection.Control, Selection.Background)
End If
If Selection.Control = Index Then
MouseXOffset = Int(x / 15)
MouseYOffset = Int(y / 15)
lblDesignChars(Index).Drag vbBeginDrag
End If
End Sub
Private Sub lblDesignChars_DragDrop(Index As Integer, Source As Control, x As Single, y As Single)
If Selection.Control > 0 Then
Source.Move Int(x / 15) - MouseXOffset + lblDesignChars(Index).Left, Int(y / 15) - MouseYOffset + lblDesignChars(Index).Top
shpDesignSelect(Selection.Background).Top = Source.Top - 1
shpDesignSelect(Selection.Background).Left = Source.Left - 1
Source.Visible = True
cmdDesignApply.Enabled = True
Changed = True
End If
End Sub
Private Sub lblDesignNewChar_MouseDown(Index As Integer, Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single)
If Selected = False Then
Selection.Background = 7
Selection.Control = Index
Selection.Data1 = GUI(EditorIndex).NewChar(Index).Data1
Selection.Data2 = GUI(EditorIndex).NewChar(Index).Data2
Selection.Data3 = GUI(EditorIndex).NewChar(Index).Data3
Selection.Data4 = GUI(EditorIndex).NewChar(Index).Data4
Selection.Data5 = 0
Selected = True
If Index = 9 Or Index = 10 Or Index = 13 Or Index = 14 Then
Call UpdateControlSelection(Selection.Control, Selection.Background)
txtDesignHeight.Enabled = False
txtDesignWidth.Enabled = False
Call UpdateControlSelection(Selection.Control, Selection.Background)
End If
End If
If Selection.Control = Index Then
MouseXOffset = Int(x / 15)
MouseYOffset = Int(y / 15)
lblDesignNewChar(Index).Drag vbBeginDrag
End If
End Sub
Private Sub lblDesignNewChar_DragDrop(Index As Integer, Source As Control, x As Single, y As Single)
If Selection.Control > 0 Then
Source.Move Int(x / 15) - MouseXOffset + lblDesignNewChar(Index).Left, Int(y / 15) - MouseYOffset + lblDesignNewChar(Index).Top
shpDesignSelect(Selection.Background).Top = Source.Top - 1
shpDesignSelect(Selection.Background).Left = Source.Left - 1
Source.Visible = True
cmdDesignApply.Enabled = True
Changed = True
End If
End Sub